


Will the Lord finds us faithful when various groups push back on people who serve the Lord?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Hearing reports about persecution because of one’s faith in Jesus Christ is startling to me. I’ve recognized these things in other countries but to see it coming so close to home here in the United States is outrageous, especially to think of the fact that the earlier settlers in America left their homelands to escape such horrors. They sacrificed a lot to pioneer a land of freedom that is now disappearing. I was led to the movie “The Hiding Place” that tells the story of Corrie ten Boom. When I read her story, I realize what is at stake in our country and hope the Lord finds us faithful when various groups push back on people who serve the Lord. – P.C.

A: Corrie ten Boom comes to mind when thinking in terms of being faithful in the midst of suffering. This remarkable Dutch woman who (with her family) hid Jewish people from a totalitarian dictatorship. After being imprisoned in Ravensbrück, the infamous concentration camp, Corrie traveled the world telling her story of suffering, forgiveness, and joy.

For 35 years, she never had a permanent home, but when she was 85 and in declining health, some friends provided her with a lovely house in California. It was a luxury she never dreamed she would have and one she never would have pursued on her own.

One day a friend of hers came to visit. He said, “Corrie, hasn’t God been good to give you this beautiful house?”


She replied, “God was good when I was in Ravensbrück too!” Most people will never experience the horrors Corrie knew. We also think of stories like Joseph when he was thrown in the pit and persecuted by his own brothers. These are testimonies that remind us that, no matter what we face, we can depend on God’s promise: “Fear not, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10, NKJV)


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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