


Why did God allow this happen?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There was a terrible fire in our neighborhood. An elderly couple died with no one to rescue them. I’m having a hard time dealing with this because they were like grandparents to the neighborhood children, including my own. This precious couple held a little vacation Bible school in their yard each summer and taught the kids beloved Bible stories that are no longer taught at most churches. Am I wrong to ask God why this was allowed to happen when these dear people were so faithful in telling the children about God’s love? – W.G.

A: Most of us know what it means to be stunned by the sudden passing of a dedicated friend, a godly pastor, or a saintly mother. We’ve stood at the open grave with hot tears running down our cheeks and asked in utter bewilderment, “Why, O God, why?”

The death of the righteous is no accident. God’s watchful vigil notes the sparrow’s fall and even the number of hairs on our heads. Yet we think that He turns His back on one of His children in the hour of peril. He understands our sorrow but, with Him, there are no accidents, no tragedies, and no catastrophes as far as His children are concerned.

Paul, who lived most of his Christian life on the brink of death, expressed triumphant certainty about life. He testified, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21, ESV).

Paul’s strong, unshakable faith took trouble in stride. He never asked, “Why, Lord?” He knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that his life was being fashioned into the image and likeness of his Savior, and he believed God for everything in life and death.


It was Sir Walter Scott who asked, “Is death the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening.” “He who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me … has passed from death into life” (John 5:24, NKJV).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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