


Isn’t this the business of Christ’s church?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My passion in life is to pastor a church; not to build a large campus, but rather help people build a strong spiritual foundation. The seminary professors suggested that if I only want to do that, I should become a life coach instead of a pastor. This is discouraging since the Bible doesn’t really teach the vocation of coaching people, but shepherding them. It seems the church has been greatly misdirected. The world is imploding and I believe that people are crying out for sound Bible teaching. Isn’t this the business of Christ’s church? – W.C.

A: Many preachers have their eyes on the culture instead of on Christ. Many pastors preach on common unity instead of calling the community to repent. Oh, that preachers everywhere would take their eyes off the culture and fix them on the Rock of salvation. Instead of preaching common things, preach on sin, for it’s the one thing that all mankind shares. We have shut up the Word of God when we should be shouting it out in great victory. The Gospel is empowered to change lives from the inside out.

It was once reported that the majority of seminaries in the United States had no classes on prayer. That really shouldn’t surprise us when we consider how many local churches offer classes on gardening and the art of conversation instead of the study of God’s Word and prayer.

People are confused, frustrated, and bewildered. Many are longing to hear ministers preach with authority. Thousands of pastors are powerless because they do not make the Word of God the source of their preaching. When preachers teach the Scriptures, it opens the door for the Holy Spirit to do His work. Christ’s church is the place to grow people up in the Lord. God has not promised to bless clever preaching; He has promised to bless His Word.



(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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