


We grieve for the kind of world we’re leaving the younger generations


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My husband and I are now old – late 80s. We’ve seen a lot in our lifetime and are thankful that we’ll soon be in Heaven. But we grieve for the kind of world we’re leaving the younger generations. Morality is all but gone, livelihoods are in shambles, homes torn apart, and churches confused as to their role in society. Life was better when it was simpler; when people had less financially and worked hard to make ends meet. We’re not too sure that progress and possessions were such a lofty goal after all. – W.I.

A: The intellectual climate in which people live is a paradox. Our technology creates miracles of science but fails to satisfy our deepest needs. It puts wheels under our feet but fears and apprehensions in our hearts. We’re able to live longer but not better. We’re able to live more comfortably but not more contentedly.

Mental illness skyrockets and people are sick at heart and soul. People do not lose their minds – they lose themselves! They disappear into worlds of their own creation in an attempt to escape the real world.

Millions of people are busy burying their heads in the sand pretending that the devastating events of our times are not really happening. They’re desperately trying to escape the realities of the pressures of living.

Just a few generations ago, people’s chief concern was their spiritual life; today the chief concern is with the physical and temporal affairs. Vast numbers of people actually believe that if we give people enough food, shelter, clothing, education, and recreational outlets, life will be better.


Those who have lived faithfully, putting Christ at the center of life, never tire of living for Jesus. We can pray that others may see Jesus – the One who has the answers to the problems of life.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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