From the Right





Kamala Harris' Authoritarian 'Joy'

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

We've been told, over and over and over again, that Kamala Harris is the candidate of "joy." Tim Walz, upon accepting his vice presidential nomination, thanked her for "bringing back the joy." Rolling Stone gushed that Harris' "new politics of joy is the best way to fight fascism." The New York Times headlined, "Harris used to worry about ...Read more

Can the Press Help Kamala Slip Out of Being Connected to Biden?

From the Right / Tim Graham /

The national prestige press proclaim the dangers of "misinformation" in this election and how our democracy is too important for voters to be misinformed, or "misinfluenced." But you can sense that what they mean is Republican arguments are inherently false and must be rebutted. This is the task of "journalism."

On the first night of the ...Read more

Biden-Harris Have a Sixth Sense the Economy Is in Trouble -- They're Probably Right

From the Right / Stephen Moore /

Democrats and the media are in a quandary to explain why Americans so underappreciate all that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have done for the economy. Or, should I say, TO the economy.

They act as if these are the salad days for American families, with inflation falling and jobs aplenty. For now.

So why are Americans so...Read more


Trump drops a big hint about a real-life spy mystery

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS – Three sentences slipped under the radar during former President Donald Trump's recent freewheeling online chat with tech billionaire, supporter and X platform (ex-Twitter) owner, Elon Musk. And they're explosive – as in, linked to an actual explosion.

“We were going to supply Europe with oil. I had stopped the Russian pipeline and...Read more

On Israel, Harris Parallels 2008 Obama on Marriage

From the Right / Victor Joecks /

Kamala Harris supports Israel like Barack Obama supported traditional marriage in 2008. Just enough to win the election.

On the surface, Obama claimed to support traditional marriage in 2008. "I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman," he told pastor Rick Warren at the time.

As the country learned later, that was a lie....Read more

Nuclear Energy Gets Reboot as Electricity Demands Surge

From the Right / Salena Zito /

PITTSBURGH -- What if we began looking at nuclear energy in a different way? What if those new perspectives worked and brought people from all sides of the energy equation together for the first time in a generation?

That is the genesis behind Kentucky-based energy group The Nuclear Company, which brought its vision on a bus to Pittsburgh, ...Read more

San Francisco Plus 40

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

The first Democratic National Convention I attended was in San Francisco in 1984. UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick indelibly labeled attendees “San Francisco Democrats,” because of their left-leaning policies.

Forty years later it appears little has changed. Then, Vice President Walter Mondale, who was nominated to take another crack at the ...Read more

Kamala Harris Is No Joe Biden. Or Is She?

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

CHICAGO -- As delegates and the media descend on the Windy City for the Democratic National Convention, Kamala Harris not only has to energize the base; she also has to convince the rest of America that she can mend a moribund economy and keep order as parts of the country seem hell-bent on chaos.

That is, Harris has to convince voters she ...Read more

The Tulsi Gabbard Story Should Scare Every American to Death! Do You Understand How Evil, Vicious and Out of Control Democrats and the Deep State Are Right Now? Can You Imagine What Democrats Will Be Willing to Do If They Win in November?

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

I've said this for over 20 years: We have a two-party system. The Democratic Party is filled with radical, extreme, Marxist, communist traitors who want to destroy America. Pure evil. Satan inspired. They are the enemies of good, patriotic Americans. They are the real "domestic terrorists." But my party -- the GOP -- is a party of weak-willed, ...Read more

Republicans Must Make a Laser-Focused, Issues-Based Case to the People

From the Right / Josh Hammer /

One of my favorite bits of ancient wisdom, which I have quoted many times over the years, is the Chinese military theorist Sun Tzu's adage that a battle is won before it is fought because it is won by choosing the terrain on which it is fought. Accordingly, as I noted in a column a few months ago: "If former President Donald Trump and other ...Read more

Operation Harris for President Is One of the Shadiest in History!

From the Right / David Harsanyi /

The past month has likely been the most eventful in American political history. Yet the two top officials of the most powerful nation in the world won't answer any genuine questions.

Three weeks have passed since Joe Biden was pushed out of the 2024 presidential race over deteriorating physical and mental abilities, and he has yet to publicly ...Read more

The Washington Post's 'Rambunctious Rah-Rah' Coverage of Walz

From the Right / Tim Graham /

The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos, but it reads like it's owned by the Democratic National Committee.

Consider the bias by omission. On Aug. 9, Washington Examiner reporter Gabe Kaminsky found an uncomfortable story: "Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, on at least five occasions as governor of Minnesota, hosted a Muslim ...Read more

Who's for the First Amendment -- and Who's Against

From the Right / Michael Barone /

"There's a lot of opposition to just hearing what President Trump has to say," Elon Musk said at the beginning of his two-hour interview on X with the 45th and would-be 47th president.

Musk noted, "I got a letter from the EU Commission, like, saying to not have disinformation during this discussion we're having. And there's a lot of attempts to...Read more

The Man's Man vs. the Man Child

From the Right / Mona Charen /

If Kamala Harris becomes the first woman president, her first accomplishment could well have already happened -- elevating and honoring the positive side of masculinity.

Tim Walz, whose politics are to the left of most Americans and certainly most swing voters, has been welcomed not as a box-checking, progressive pick, but as a Midwestern dad ...Read more

The FBI 'Visits' Scott Ritter

Among the lesser-known holes in the Constitution cut by the Patriot Act of 2001 was the destruction of the "wall" between federal law enforcement and federal spies. The wall was erected in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, which statutorily limited all federal domestic spying to that which was authorized by the Foreign ...Read more

Donald Trump Needs a Course Correction

It's been a slog for the Trump campaign the past few weeks. Let's face it: President Joe Biden was former President Donald Trump's clearest path to victory. And the gift that kept on giving has laid its last golden egg. Biden is gone. It's incredible how poor a candidate he was. And it took his exit to fully realize just how bad off the ...Read more

The Tariff Paradox: Americans Love Free Trade More Than They Realize

In the ongoing debate over America's trade policy, politicians and pundits often claim that the public supports tariffs and other protectionist measures, such as those given to us by the Trump and Biden administrations. A new Cato Institute poll, however, reveals a more complex picture: Americans might like the idea of tariffs and "Buy ...Read more

There Is No Western Civilization Without Christianity

From the Right / Laura Hollis /

For the past two weeks, the news has been filled with stories and videos of riots across Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The unrest is in response to the murders of three little girls who were stabbed to death at a Taylor Swift dance party in Southport, England, on July 29. The accused is a young man whose family emigrated to the U.K. from...Read more

Back to (Chaotic) Schools

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

In normal years, which were not that long ago, students would look forward to returning to or entering college as freshmen. After violent anti-Israel and antisemitic demonstrations on some college campuses, many fear this semester might see a repeat of the prior ugliness.

This is how bad it has gotten. Police in Montgomery County, Maryland, are...Read more

Let's Kick-start US Naval and Commercial Shipbuilding

From the Right / Austin Bay /

The Pentagon is seeking short-term "fixes" for an old problem that has reached the point of crisis: the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard's warship and support vessel shortage -- their "hull deficit" in military jargon.

In a moment, I'll list four "semi-quick fix" proposals. The interim options buy time. They don't answer the interconnected ...Read more


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