From the Right





Kamala Harris: A Blank Slate

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

“I could be whatever you want. you just tell me what you want and I'm gonna be that for you.” ― Nicholas Sparks, “The Notebook”

At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, Vice President Kamala Harris seemed ...Read more

Red-State Attorney Generals Must Indict Vice President Kamala Harris and VP Nominee Tim Walz Today!

From the Right / Wayne Allyn Root /

I recently wrote a commentary on the evil warfare and weaponization of government being carried out by Democrats. America is descending into darkness. Democrats and the deep state are evil, vicious, out of control and drunk with power.

And where this leads is very easy to predict.

Communism always leads to a one-party state; reeducation camps;...Read more

Yes, Kamala's Price Controls Lead To Socialism!

From the Right / David Harsanyi /

"Kamala Harris Is No Communist, Socialist, or Nixon," Jill Lawrence assures us. OK. But are we sure?

Not that anyone's asked me, but as someone who regularly accuses progressives of being "commies," I think I can help shed some light on why many voters are getting the wrong idea.

For one thing, handing self-professed socialists Bernie Sanders ...Read more

Kamala Harris Has a Message for America! She Is Not Donald Trump

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

CHICAGO -- Kamala Harris on Thursday shared with America what she often heard from her late mother as the now-vice president was growing up: "Never do anything half-assed."

Sadly, that advice did not manifest itself at the Democratic National Convention.

Voters who are undecided didn't get a rousing speech that would explain how Harris would ...Read more

Joining the Party, Not the Plotters

From the Right / S.E. Cupp /

After covering six presidential elections and five midterm elections for more than 20 years, I’ve long believed that there are many reasons why a person votes the way they do. And all are valid.

Many vote on pocketbook issues, and, especially in times of economic pain, who could blame them for prioritizing things like gas prices over esoteric...Read more

'Joy' Time Is Over. Time For News on Substance!

From the Right / Tim Graham /

It's blatantly obvious that since Donald Trump was almost assassinated and Joe Biden was successfully forced out of the race, the Democratic tone-setters decided to downplay their incessant Threat to Democracy talk and switch to Joyful Warriors buzz. The volume of that theme was turned up dramatically for the Democratic convention in Chicago.

"...Read more

No One Is Buying It

From the Right / Josh Hammer /

No one is buying what Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party are selling these days.

Earlier this week, on the opening night of the demonic confab in Chicago that Democrats call their national convention, the outgoing commander-in-chief explicitly denied that he was "angry at all those people" who said he should "step down" ...Read more

The Jobs Aren't All Right

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

The government, for the past year, has overstated joblessness by 818,000 jobs. That revision comes on top of the monthly revisions already made. It is probably not a conspiracy to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris look good or they would have waited until after the election, not before early voting, to announce the revision. But it is troubling...Read more

The White College Graduates' Party's Candidate Doesn't Know Economic History

From the Right / Michael Barone /

Learning isn't necessarily cumulative. Human experience over the centuries provides lessons, some clearer than others. But each generation has to learn lessons anew, and some do not.

The lessons about economic growth taught over the long run of history are clear. Growth is not inevitable, and while riches may be accumulated, or appropriated, ...Read more

Oprah and Other DNC Speakers Try to Distract From Abysmal Policies

From the Right / Laura Hollis /

Oprah Winfrey spoke at the Democratic National Convention this week. Oprah is an American icon -- a phenomenally successful media personality, actress, producer, bestselling author and entrepreneur. Her net worth is estimated at $3 billion, making her the wealthiest female celebrity in the United States.

In her speech at the convention ...Read more

The Right to Be Left Alone!

"Every move you make

And every vow you break

Every smile you fake

Every claim you stake

I'll be watching you."

-- "Every Breath You Take," song by The Police

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to privacy. Like other amendments in the Bill of Rights, it doesn't create the right; it limits government ...Read more

All Theater, No Class at National Conventions

The 2024 Democratic National Convention is a theatrical political gathering that spans four days and attracts the highest-ranking elected officials from across the nation. These include President Joe Biden, Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris, as well as just about every major political personality you can think of.

When I ...Read more

How Similar Are Harris and Trump's Economic Policies? Let's Take a Look.

As we approach another pivotal election, voters are once again being bombarded with messaging that paints the two main candidates as opposites. We're told Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump represent radically different visions for America's economic future. They don't. When it comes to economic policy, there's far ...Read more

Cal Thomas: Reagan: The movie

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

The producers didn’t plan for the biopic about the life of Ronald Reagan to open so close to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, but delays caused by the pandemic and an actors strike led to its release on August 30.

It seems easier to portray a historical figure that no one currently living remembers. In the case of the challenge ...Read more

The Biden-Harris Afghanistan Bugout 3 Years On

From the Right / Austin Bay /

August 2024 marks the third anniversary of the Biden-Harris administration's most consequential international policy action: the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

Why Biden-Harris? Vice President Kamala Harris has said on several occasions she was "in the room" -- meaning in the decision loop -- when Joe Biden ordered a withdrawal based on ...Read more

I Can't Figure Out Who Kamala Harris Is!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Who is Kamala Harris? What does she believe? It's hard to know because she won't take questions from reporters. Instead, she reads from a teleprompter and gives the same speech again and again. She's eager to spend other people's money.

As the Biden administration spent America further into debt, Vice President Harris cast tiebreaking votes to ...Read more

In Chicago, Democrats Veer Left

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

CHICAGO -- Day Two of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago confirms this much: With Vice President Kamala Harris as the party's nominee, Democrats are not moving to the middle.

Independent voters, you are not the focus in Chicago. You are an afterthought.

During the roll call, a New Jersey delegate announced preferred pronouns "she/...Read more

The Nation Needs a Great Reawakening

From the Right / Star Parker /

Over the years 1934-1961, British historian Arnold Toynbee published his 12-volume "A Study of History."

Toynbee studied the rise and fall of 23 civilizations. His conclusion was that great civilizations die not from external causes but from internal causes.

They commit suicide.

Toynbee concluded, In the words of one journalist, that "...Read more

Sen. Schumer and Elite Academia Betray Jewish Students

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

Antisemitism on college campuses is intense. Incidents shot up 700% after the Oct. 6 Hamas attack on Israel. Jewish families have reason to be nervous as another school year begins. Will their sons and daughters be safe?

Last year, Jewish students were blocked from classes, told to "go back to Europe," and even forced to navigate a Jewish "...Read more

Democrats Are Hiding Biden -- But Harris Can't Hide From His Record

Voters in the key swing states of Georgia and Pennsylvania -- which were crucial in determining the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in Joe Biden's favor -- would have needed to stay up until 12:18 on Tuesday morning to watch the entirety of the speech that President Biden began delivering late Monday night at the Democratic National ...Read more


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