From the Left



Trump's Antisemitism

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

At a donor event last week with Miriam Adelson, the widow of Las Vegas casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump promised to be the best friend Jews have ever had in the White House. The event was entitled "Fighting Antisemitism in America." This is what Trump said:

"My promise to Jewish Americans is this: With your vote, I will be ...Read more

Demeaning Women

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"I am your protector. I want to be your protector ... you will no longer be abandoned, lonely or scared. You will no longer be in danger. You're not going to be in danger any longer."

That's Donald Trump talking, the man who was found liable for sexual assault by a jury of his peers and ordered to pay millions of dollars in damages -- now ...Read more

The Mixed and Muddled Results of Banning Affirmative Action

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

In the arguments before the Supreme Court on affirmative action in college admissions, proponents of affirmative action claimed that the number of Blacks admitted to selective colleges and universities would plummet absent affirmative action. And opponents of affirmative action claimed that the number of Asian Americans would increase ...Read more

The Blame Game

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

The blame game is in full swing, and Donald Trump and his running mate, J.D. Vance, are the ones using inflammatory rhetoric to fan the flames. "He believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and he acted on it," Trump said of the gunman hiding on his golf course. "Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to ...Read more

Does Donald Trump Really Believe He Won the Debate?

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

Ever since he walked into the "spin room" at the conclusion of Tuesday night's debate, Donald Trump has been claiming that he won the debate. Does he really believe that? Are his advisers so cowed, or delusional themselves, that they are feeding his own delusions? And what does that say about them -- and him?

The overnight polls -- the ...Read more

Where Is America?

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

Is America so angry that they will vote for an undisciplined liar who vows to turn back the clock?

Or is the country ready to turn the clock on negativity and polarization and take a chance on a new leader promising to bring about change for the middle class?

Right now, the answer is that America is divided.

We know exactly who Donald Trump...Read more

How Kamala Can Win the Debate

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

The stakes could not be higher. Tens of millions of people will be watching, hopefully including those who (like me with baseball) tune in just in time for the World Series. Kamala Harris has to do two things: fill in the blanks in her own platform; and let Trump be Trump.

It's hard not to like what you see with Kamala Harris. Since she ...Read more

Back to School

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"Welcome to MIT!" the flyers being handed out to incoming students announce, next to a drawing of Tim the Beaver, MIT's mascot. The flyers go on to comment on the conflict in the Middle East and the State of Israel in particular, and they list more than 20 additional resources.

One of the "resources" they list is the Mapping Project, a ...Read more

The Definition of Kamala Harris

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

What Kamala Harris has managed to do in a month is totally redefine herself in the eyes of American voters. She went from being a mostly disapproved of vice president to being a positively viewed candidate in the space of four weeks. What it proves is what I've suspected all along: that the disapproval of her was not deeply rooted. It was ...Read more

She Nailed It

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

Kamala Harris did exactly what she needed to do. She introduced herself to the American people. She addressed the most important issues facing our country. She drew sharply the contrast with Donald Trump, a small and unserious man who is a serious danger to American freedoms. She displayed the force and command that qualifies her to be ...Read more

The Obama Magic Can't Change a Close Election

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

It was that kind of night. The Obama Magic was on prime display.

Warning the country of the kind of attack that they should expect Kamala Harris will be on the receiving end of, Michelle Obama said:

"My husband and I sadly know a little something about this. For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us. ...Read more

Beyond Boring

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

Donald Trump, with his familiar rants and raves, is definitely boring. But it's beyond that.

He is a man who is out of control. He often sounds demented and divorced from reality, raising the question of whether he really is suffering from progressive dementia. It certainly sounds like it.

For weeks now, his aides and allies have been urging...Read more

Religious Freedom on Campus

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"Jewish students were excluded from portions of the UCLA campus because they refused to denounce their faith. This fact is so unimaginable and so abhorrent to our constitutional guarantee of religious freedom that it bears repeating."

So wrote Judge Mark C. Scarsi in issuing a preliminary injunction this week to three Jewish students who sued...Read more


From the Left / Susan Estrich /

Donald Trump is clearly flailing. He has reportedly taken to complaining about his campaign, which candidates tend to do when they are looking for someone to blame. He is, in the words of The Washington Post, "steaming" at what has happened to him. This is what he posted on Truth Social on Tuesday afternoon:

"What are the chances that Crooked ...Read more

A Safe and Smart Choice

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

From my point of view, it was the best night of the 1988 general election campaign. It was the night of the vice presidential debate. With a single comment, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, the Democratic nominee for vice president, skewered Sen. Dan Quayle, his Republican counterpart. "I knew Jack Kennedy," he said. "Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. And...Read more

'Donald Being Donald'

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

In her 2019 memoir, Kamala Harris wrote, "My mother understood very well that she was raising two black daughters. She knew her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women."

As she did, when she dismissed Donald Trump's unbelievable attack on her ...Read more

Because He Can. And He Means It.

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"I love you," Donald Trump told an audience of Christian conservatives on Friday. "You got to get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not going to have to vote."

What does that mean?

That there will be no election in four years? That Donald Trump will not leave office in four years? ...Read more

The Republicans Need a New Set of Talking Points

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is right. He called two of the most popular talking points Republicans are using right now "dumb" and "stupid." This is what he said to NBC News:

"Two attacks I've heard Republicans give that are totally stupid and dumb to do is the DEI attack, OK? The other attack that I would not do is saying that the ...Read more

The Same Old Don

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

He can't help himself.

On Thursday night, Donald Trump was supposed to give a unifying address, recounting the assassination attempt that he survived and uniting not only his own party but the country. He was supposed to convince independent and undecided voters that he was not the angry and bitter victim that he displays on social media, but...Read more

The Campaign of a Thousand Leaks

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

How do you convince a stubborn old man that he needs to step aside? The answer is not simply to tell him -- because he is not listening to what he doesn't want to hear -- but to force him to read about it. Leaking.

The leaks are escalating. Biden supporters -- a dwindling group -- managed to sell the story, for a very few days, that the ...Read more


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