From the Left



What Unites Democrats

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

It's painful for Democrats to see our party so divided at a time when Republicans are marching in lockstep to coronate Donald Trump. Their convention will be a model of single-minded control, scripted from beginning to end by Trump. They have managed to excommunicate, intimidate and enforce discipline on anyone and any group that might offer a...Read more

Biden in the Bunker

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

He just doesn't get it. And neither do those closest to him.

Asked by George Stephanopoulos how he would feel if he loses, he told the truth and it was the wrong answer. "I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the good as job as I know I can do, that's what this is about."

No, it's not. What this is about is not Joe Biden doing "the...Read more

Blind Loyalty

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

California Gov. Gavin Newsom says he has President Joe Biden's back. It's almost enough for me to take him off my list of possible successors to the incumbent president. Having Biden's back is not a matter of loyalty.

Biden has been a fine president. He inherited a country in crisis, roiled by the pandemic, and righted the ship of state. The ...Read more

King Trump

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"With fear for our democracy," Justice Sonia Sotomayor concludes in her brilliant dissent in Trump v. United States, "I dissent."

She is right. Very frighteningly right.

After reading what happened at the oral argument, I knew what was coming. The court was looking for a way to carve up the baby, giving some form of immunity to former ...Read more


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