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It's Wise To Have Healthy Boundaries

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: One of my not-so-distant relatives is an extremely difficult person to be around. "Chris" can spot a flaw from across the room -- and never wastes an opportunity to criticize. I know I shouldn't care what "Chris" thinks, but I do. Help?

Jim: This is something that many of us experience. The closer our relationship with a critical person, the...Read more

Where Do You Find Your Fulfillment?

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I'm not much for resolutions, but I do like to take stock occasionally. I've got a good life -- solid career, married well, good kids, nice home. Still, I don't want to miss anything. What's your best "man-to-man" advice for the next, say, 20 years?

Jim: I think the critical key is to ask yourself: Where do you really find your fulfillment? ...Read more

Be Kind -- Everyone Is Fighting A Hard Battle

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: "Peace on Earth" -- really? There's so much conflict in our world (and nation), I'm beginning to wonder if that's even possible. I want to be kind and sensitive to others while teaching my kids to do the same. But I also find myself cynically wondering if it even matters. What are your thoughts?

Jim: I can understand your reservations, at ...Read more

Dementia Robs People Of Their Families In Multiple Ways

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: This year, my father's dementia reached the point where we had to place him in a local care facility. This will be the first Christmas when Grandpa isn't part of our family celebration. I'm concerned about how to handle this with our kids; do you have any suggestions?

Jim: Some years back, when my sons were young, I went with them to help ...Read more

Promoting A Lifestyle Of Selflessness With Children

Parents / Focus on the Family /

Q: I've been a bit concerned recently about my kids' tendency toward self-centeredness. This Christmas season I'd like to encourage them to be more thoughtful and aware of the needs of others. Do you have any suggestions?

Jim: First off, I'd say you're halfway there, just by wanting to promote a lifestyle of selflessness with your children and ...Read more


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