


How do we combat the tendency to run away from responsibility?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: As part of the aging baby boomer generation, how do we combat the tendency to run away from responsibility, even run away from a spouse or family? – E.N.

A: People react to aging in different ways. Some approach it with relief, yearning for its peace and freedom. Others greet it with mixed emotions, thankful a difficult time is behind them or dreading a lonely future. Still others are caught off guard, unexpectedly feeling useless, bored, or depressed. Such reactions can endanger us spiritually.

What dangers threaten us during this time of change? One is marital discord. “We’ve stayed together for the children’s sake, but now that they’re gone, we can’t see any reason to keep on,” is often heard as a reason. Some say, “Since our children left, we just don’t have anything in common.”

Others say, “My husband has turned into a different person. Now he’s moved in with someone who’s young enough to be his daughter and wants a divorce.” Another says, “My spouse would rather work than spend time at home.”

Adding to the problem is the fact that middle age often arrives about the same time as the empty nest. Not every person passes through a so-called “midlife crisis,” but many do.


Dangers often lurk in the background during this stage of life – preoccupation with other things. We realize time is passing, and we may decide to make the most of it – whatever the cost. Some become absorbed in careers; others try to pack in exotic experiences. Life becomes unbalanced, and in the process, God gets pushed to the fringes. Few people think about what the Lord has to say. Fewer consider the vows made.

We won’t have peace within relationships if our relationship with God is weak and frail. The secret of domestic happiness is to let God be the third party in the relationship and put Him at the center of the home.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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