


Why should a Christian have such a dull life?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I just returned from a trip to Disney World and it was a happy place to be. When I got home, it was depressing because living an average life is not so happy. I have friends that lead pretty exciting lives and I work hard to keep up with all their achievements. One of my teachers cautions me that not all the claims people make on Facebook are necessarily true, but they have the pictures to prove it. While I want my friends to believe I have a happy life, I don’t want to try and keep up with them by lying, yet they can’t understand why a Christian should have such a dull life. – C.L.

A: Only in fairy tales do people live charmed lives. We may think that some people have it all, but if we turn the pages of their lives, we may see a very different picture.

The Bible never promised that life would be fair. As we pray, we can give thanks when storms finally subside, or when the pain of ill health lets up, but the reality is that new troubles will come. While we should not anticipate trouble at every turn, some people spend so much time worrying about what might happen that they never enjoy what is happening; they never see what lies beyond trouble – perhaps the opportunity to comfort someone or to help someone. We can water the seed of hope in those around us and pray that the Lord will help prepare us for new challenges ahead.

Trouble is different for all of us. As Christians, we are blessed to have the promise that Jesus will be with us in the midst of our problems. He gives us the power to overcome whatever circumstances come our way. The Christian life does not have to be dull. Understanding our position in Christ keeps our eyes and hearts on things eternal.



(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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