Life Advice






Ask Anna: My partner is always on their phone -- am I being needy?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I'm a 29-year-old bisexual woman. My girlfriend (30) and I have been together for almost two years, and we recently moved in together. I love her deeply, but I’ve noticed that she’s always on her phone — whether we’re watching TV, having dinner or just hanging out in bed. I’ve tried to brush it off, telling myself it's no ...Read more

Asking Eric: 11-year-old nephew bullies uncle and cousins

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Our 11-year-old nephew (on my husband's side) is like Dudley from the “Harry Potter” series. He's spoiled, entitled, rude and disrespectful to young and old family members. Family gatherings have become very stressful and tense due to his behavior.

Meals and mealtimes always have to revolve around his taste and timeframe...Read more

Repairing Relationships So I Can See My Grandkids

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I'm hurt and angry. My son and daughter-in-law will not let me see my grandchildren. It has been five years since I last saw them.

This all started after I had a fight with my daughter-in-law when my son lost his job. She demanded that I help him financially, but my finances were such that I could not afford to do so. At that time...Read more

Asking Eric: Estranged mom struggles with son’s wedding invite

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I’m attending my estranged son’s wedding. As the mother of the groom, I’m unsure of what my responsibilities are. More importantly, his wife-to-be is Buddhist. I have absolutely no problem with this, what I’m unsure about is the gift and the attire. I know that you aren’t supposed to wear black, white or patterns of any kind...Read more

Drama at the Gender Reveal

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I recently hosted a gender reveal in my home for my daughter and son-in-law's first child. I invited family and my closest friends to witness this amazing event. My two best friends were there. They drank the entire time they were here. They chose to single out one particular person I invited -- and to treat her very rudely.

At ...Read more

Asking Eric: Husband’s grudge against mother-in-law affecting family

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I, a 45-year-old female, have been married to my husband, a 45-year-old male, for eight years. He has never called my mom by her first name or any other name like "Ma". When we visit my mother, he'll walk past her without a word.

I feel caught in the middle, making excuses saying things like he's tired or something like that.

When ...Read more

Labor Day Inspiration

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Readers: Wishing you all a very Happy Labor Day as summer comes to a close and you are enjoying the last of your barbecues and long summer nights. Below is a list of quotes that highlight the importance of hard work, and using your talents and gifts, to benefit yourself and others that I thought you would enjoy reading.

"All happiness ...Read more

Millennial Life: The Meandering Path of Identity

I have hopes for my 40s. One was that I wouldn't continue to be the youngest person in the room. But as I followed a troop of older women carrying yoga mats into the gym, and then spent time in the weight room with equally older men, those hopes were dashed -- for now. But even if your own gray hair doesn't compete with those around you, time ...Read more

Asking Eric: Ex-friend left behind dead cat

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Before a summer trip to visit family in 2019, a friend’s cat passed away. She wrapped the kitty in one of her husband’s T-shirts and buried it in the desert backyard, maybe two feet deep. Around the day she was leaving, she discovered that desert fauna had slipped inside the backyard fence and disturbed the site. She told me she ...Read more

'Messiness' Might Actually Be ADHD

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Readers: Many of you wrote in about the fact that "Wife Problem" should be assessed for ADHD. Thank you all so much for your input. Below are a few letters:

Dear Annie: This is in response to the letter in which the author's wife cannot finish basic tasks around the house without beginning a large project that never gets finished. This ...Read more

Asking Eric: Daughter-in-law wants to be too close

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My daughter-in-law wants a much closer relationship with me than I feel comfortable with. She began calling me “mom” when she and my son first got engaged. I’ve told her several times that I would prefer to be called by my first name, but she still calls me mom.

A few months after the wedding, she began dropping by my house ...Read more

How Do I Make It Right After Cheating on my Boyfriend?

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My boyfriend and I have been together for six years now. Two years ago, I cheated on him, and he found out shortly after when he looked at my phone and saw that I was texting the other guy. At the time, I panicked and said that my best friend, "Deb," had been using my phone. I then reached out to Deb and begged her to cover for me ...Read more

Asking Eric: Grieving daughter won’t let mom sell childhood home

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I have an adult daughter who moved out but does not want me to change her former bedroom.

She had a breakup seven years ago that caused a nervous breakdown because of the cruel way it was done: packing her things up and mailing them to our house. She moved back in with us as a result of this breakup and started therapy.

After many ...Read more

How Do I Negotiate a Raise?

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: My wife has been on pain medication for almost a decade, and it has turned into a serious addiction. I have to monitor her pills weekly -- though, recently, it's been daily. She hasn't worked at all the last decade, ever since she started getting prescribed the painkillers. She lays in bed all day long, sleeping or watching TV. I've ...Read more

Asking Eric: Burnt twice, future mother-in-law wants no relationship

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I have been dating a wonderful man for a little over a year and we are talking about getting married. I have been married once before and he has been married twice before with children from both marriages. His second ex-wife had addiction issues.

His mother has declared that she has no desire or time to get to know me after dealing ...Read more

Husband Has a Wandering Eye

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I cannot believe I am asking for advice. Here goes! My mom, with whom I was very close, passed away 21 months ago. Annie, my life has never been the same.

I cared for Mom when she became unexpectedly ill. I witnessed her last breath. By all accounts, I should be happy that I was the loving daughter and did right by Mom and the ...Read more

Single File: Tips of Gold

Life Advice / Single File /

Get closer to your parents. Like most corny advice, this one's pure gold. These people who sired you and raised you into adulthood are special in your life, unique and irreplaceable, too often ignored in the rush to adulthood. Take them to dinner, one at a time, and let them get to know their offspring as an adult, and a loving one at that. It ...Read more


Situationships… How and why?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Ah, the situationship—the modern-day romantic limbo that leaves many of us scratching our heads, wondering, “What are we?” If you’ve ever found yourself in this ambiguous gray area, you’re not alone. Situationships have become increasingly common in today’s dating world (were they always, and now there’s just a name for it?), where...Read more

Asking Eric: Wife says husband’s affection is creepy

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I am a 64-year-old man, married for 42 years. I am married to the smartest, kindest, most decent person I have ever known. I tell her that all the time. I am also still wildly attracted to her. She finds that creepy which makes me feel awful. She feels my physical attraction to her is demeaning. Is it creepy for me to still feel so ...Read more

Two Isn't Always Better Than One

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am a 70-year-old retired man with no children. My wife died in 2016, and we had a very happy relationship together for more than 28 years.

About three months after she died, I met a wonderful lady, "Sarah," who took my heart away. However, she had very strong religious convictions that I simply did not share. For a long time, she ...Read more


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