


Supreme Court orders fresh look at young-adult gun restrictions

Greg Stohr, Bloomberg News on

Published in Political News

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court sidestepped a brewing gun safety issue for now, telling a federal appeals court to reconsider a ruling that 18- to-20-year-olds have a broad constitutional right to carry a firearm.

In a two-sentence order Tuesday, the justices opted not to take up an appeal by Pennsylvania officials, instead ordering a fresh look at the issue at the lower court level. The reconsideration order cited the high court’s ruling in June upholding a federal gun ban for people under domestic-violence orders.

Pennsylvania is one of 32 states, along with the federal government, that establish 21 as the minimum age for some gun rights. The case before the high court involved a Pennsylvania law that prohibits people age 18 to 20 from openly carrying firearms during a declared state of emergency.

The Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the law, saying in a 2-1 decision the state hadn’t shown the type of historic pedigree required under an earlier Supreme Court ruling.

The law is being challenged by two gun rights groups and three people who were under age 21 when the suit was filed in 2020. They urged the Supreme Court to reject Pennsylvania’s appeal without ordering reconsideration, saying lower courts are generally in agreement that states can’t put special restrictions on 18- to-20-year-olds.


Pennsylvania Attorney General Michelle Henry argued that the 3rd Circuit imposed a much stricter historical test for gun laws than the Supreme Court said in the domestic-violence case was required.

The Supreme Court has steered clear of new Second Amendment disputes since its June 21 ruling. Lower courts now are grappling with bans on so-called assault weapons and large-capacity magazines, laws prohibiting gun possession by convicted felons and restrictions on where firearms can be brought.

The Pennsylvania case is Paris v. Lara, 24-93.

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