From the Right



Cal Thomas: The Harris-Trump debate

Cal Thomas, Tribune Content Agency on

As the disastrous (for Biden) Trump-Biden debate June 27 did not include any of my recommended questions, I offer ABC moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis some questions they might consider asking Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris in Tuesday’s face-off.

For Harris: Some Republicans, including your opponent, have accused you of participating in a cover-up of President Biden’s mental condition. You claimed to have seen him almost every day and said he was engaged, asked relevant questions and his mind was strong. In light of his withdrawal do you still maintain that position?

For Trump: Some prominent Republicans, including former Vice President Dick Cheney, have said you are a threat to democracy and they are voting for Vice President Harris. How do you intend to persuade other Republicans and Independents who are turned off by your name- calling and the demeaning of others that they should vote for you and not Harris?

For Harris: “By any objective standard you have changed your position on many issues – from fracking, the border wall and parts of the Green New Deal. Have you also changed your position on price controls, which have never worked whenever they’ve been tried?

Follow-up: You have repeatedly said your values have not changed. What are those values and on what are they based?

For Trump: You have promised to remove undocumented migrants, starting with criminals, and yet more people crossed the border illegally in your one term than crossed during Barack Obama’s two terms. How do you account for that?

Follow-up: Suppose countries – like Venezuela – won’t accept those migrants, especially the gang members, who made it here?

For Harris: You are not known for having positions on foreign policy. Let’s take several at a time: Russia and its invasion of Ukraine. Would you supply Ukraine with enough weapons to win that war and what would winning look like?

For Trump: You have pledged to get out of Ukraine and what you call “endless wars.” Would that not encourage President Putin to invade other countries?

For Harris: Do you regard Hamas, Hezbollah and Israel as morally equivalent? If not, why do you equally criticize Israel and the terrorists wishing to destroy the Jewish state?

For Trump: Please respond.

For Harris: Should China invade Taiwan, would you commit American forces to help push them out?


For Trump: Should we defend Taiwan if China were to invade?

Follow-up: It sounds like you are an isolationist. Under what circumstances would you commit U.S. forces?

For Harris: Donald Trump says if elected he would appoint outside auditors headed by Elon Musk to scale down the bloated federal government. You appear to want to expand government, raise taxes and spend more while we are $34 trillion in debt and prices on everything are higher than when you took office. Do you want to modify that position?

For Trump: Given all of the legal challenges that confront you – including your upcoming sentencing in New York and the re-indictment by Special Counsel Jack Smith on your attempt t influence the outcome of the last election – upon reflection what might you have done differently that would have avoided all this?

For Harris: Would you like to comment on his answer?

For Trump: You have said you will accept the results of the November election if it’s fair. What standard will you use to determine its fairness?

For both: Many Americans believe our politics have become ugly and too personal. Can each of you find something nice to say about the other that goes beyond the superficial?

David and Linsey you can thank me later.


Readers may email Cal Thomas at Look for Cal Thomas’ latest book “A Watchman in the Night: What I've Seen Over 50 Years Reporting on America" (HumanixBooks).

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