From the Right
Cal Thomas: Vote buying, Biden style
Vote buying is illegal in the United States. The law says: “Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—Shall be fined ...Read more
Lebanon Then and Now
The year was 1982. I was in Israel when the IDF crossed the Northern border to root out terrorist sanctuaries in southern Lebanon. The government of Prime Minister ...Read more
Cal Thomas: VP Harris visits the ‘BINO’
Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit last Friday to a border region in Arizona takes political cynicism to a new low. It is like hoping to score political points by visiting the relative of someone who has been murdered by a man...Read more
Cal Thomas: Virtue vs. utility
Among the questions I am most often asked by people who don’t like the two presidential candidates: “How did we get to this point where I can’t enthusiastically vote for either one?”
What may be a partial answer comes from an essay by Daniel McCarthy, editor of Modern Age: A Conservative Review.
In the summer 2024 issue, McCarthy ...Read more
Cal Thomas: Kamala Harris owes us some answers
It’s been more than two months since Vice President Kamala Harris was deeded the Democratic presidential nomination. During that time, she has not held a news conference or sat with many mainstream journalists to answer serious questions about how she would lead the country and who she would choose as her advisers. On Saturday, riding high on ...Read more