From the Right





The Amy Wax Inflection Point for 'Elite' Higher Education

From the Right / Josh Hammer /

Higher education has been a cesspool of anti-Americanism, censorious leftism and cultural radicalism for longer than I have been alive. The moral rot is, and always has been, particularly acute at Ivy League or otherwise putatively "elite" institutions. The pro-Hamas "protests" that have rocked university campuses since Oct. 7 are indicative: ...Read more

Harris' Attack on the Filibuster Is an Attack on the Constitutional Order

From the Right / David Harsanyi /

Though Democrats are endlessly prattling on about "norms" and "democracy," it is often unclear what aspects of the constitutional order they actually support.

This week, for example, Vice President Kamala Harris reiterated her support for suspending the legislative filibuster so that Democrats, should they eke out a slim Senate majority, can ...Read more

Democrats Support Foreign Interference to Stop Trump

From the Right / Erick Erickson /

For eight years now, Democrats have bemoaned interference in American elections. The national security apparatus of the United States has been warning about influence campaigns. The media has done so as well. Editorials and anchors have decried Russian interference.

They are all strangely silent over the latest foreign interference in our ...Read more

Why Jews Should Reject Trump

From the Right / Mona Charen /

Dear Fellow Jewish American,

I beg you to consider the consequences of a Trump victory.

In the aftermath of Oct. 7, we've seen an ugly new chapter in left-wing antisemitism. Left-wing activists on campuses and elsewhere adorned their posters with images of hang gliders, delighting, one must assume, in the acts committed when those gliders ...Read more

When Reporters Are Just Explainers, Not Investigators

From the Right / Tim Graham /

The Left used to pressure reporters trying to be objective by insulting them as "stenographers to power." You can't just repeat what the powerful say, they argued. You have to expose them. Well, some of them.

We remember all the lectures during the Trump presidency that all their anti-Trump aggression was just "holding him accountable." Holding...Read more

The Harris Campaign Might Need to Change Its Strategy

From the Right / Michael Barone /

In my time as a political consultant, I observed that carrying out a campaign strategy was surprisingly simple. You settled on a basic strategy, emphasizing the candidate's strong points on issues and character, framing the election in terms favorable to most voters. Then you just carried it out.

Almost always, events would intrude -- ...Read more

The Secret Service Is A National Embarrassment

From the Right / Rich Lowry /

If this is what the Secret Service has become, it's a wonder that something worse than Butler, Pennsylvania, hasn't already happened.

That event was terrible enough, with one rally-goer killed and Donald Trump coming within an inch of losing his life.

If Trump hadn't turned his head at the right moment, Butler would have become one of the ...Read more

Harris Hits Trump Over a Deportation Plan That Could Have Been Dreamt Up by Democrats

SAN DIEGO -- All of a sudden, Democrats are aghast at the concept of the U.S. government deporting undocumented immigrants.

Who knew? Although you won't hear it from a liberal media that is busy at the moment trying to get Vice President Kamala Harris elected, the Democratic Party has a long and not-so-proud history of aggressively removing ...Read more

Eric Adams is Trying on Donald Trump’s Playbook

From the Right / S.E. Cupp /

It’s the go-to play nowadays.

If you’re a politician collared for alleged crimes, feign indignation, call it a “conspiracy,” blame the “corrupt” Department of Justice, and refuse to resign.

New York Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on five federal charges related to 2021 campaign contributions, wire fraud, and bribery. The ...Read more

A Brief History of Free Speech in America

"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."

--First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

When James Madison agreed to be the scrivener at the Constitutional Convention during the summer of 1787, he could not have known that just four years later he'd be the chair of the House of Representatives ...Read more

The Media

The role of the media, once hailed as the "Fourth Estate" of democracy, is increasingly suspected of partisanship. Fewer and fewer believe journalism is trustworthy as opposed to a neutral platform for competing truths. Many outlets today are seen as proxies for candidates or political parties, and even cheerlead at political fundraising ...Read more

Why We Shouldn't Expect a Return to the Trump Economy

While the gap may be closing, polls tend to show that more Americans trust former President Donald Trump than Vice President Kamala Harris on economic issues. This sentiment is understandable, given the strong pre-pandemic economy during Trump's first term and the challenges of inflation and declining real wages under the Biden-Harris ...Read more

Biden-Harris Immigration Policies Waste Billions That Should Be Spent on Americans

From the Right / Laura Hollis /

As the November election approaches, Americans are paying increasing attention to the Biden-Harris administration's open borders policies and the costs of those policies to our country. Historically, it was border states where the impact of illegal immigration was most keenly felt. Not anymore. Today, the crises are everywhere.

Springfield, ...Read more

Cal Thomas: Virtue vs. utility

From the Right / Cal Thomas /

Among the questions I am most often asked by people who don’t like the two presidential candidates: “How did we get to this point where I can’t enthusiastically vote for either one?”

What may be a partial answer comes from an essay by Daniel McCarthy, editor of Modern Age: A Conservative Review.

In the summer 2024 issue, McCarthy ...Read more

Why Are More Young Women Than Young Men Moving Left?

From the Right / Star Parker /

It's not news that young people are further on the left of the political spectrum than older generations.

Of unique interest now is that the movement to the left is more disproportionate among young women than young men.

As a nation we should know this is happening and try to understand why.

Women, traditionally, have been the stabilizing ...Read more

United Nations: As Irrelevant as a Campus Protest

From the Right / Debra Saunders /

WASHINGTON -- Public opinion on the Oct. 7 attacks that killed 1,200 in Israel has flipped among Gazans, according to a recent poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. A majority of Gazans now believe the Hamas terror spree was incorrect, Reuters reported last week. That's a first.

And yet, last week the United Nations ...Read more

Discrete Mass Offensive Warfare: Israel's Grim Beeper Attack

From the Right / Austin Bay /

Reuters reports the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps has begun inspecting all its equipment for "evidence of explosives." If accurate, that's a fascinating but understandable reaction -- scrutinizing not just communication equipment and other electronic devices but all equipment, including vehicles and, I suspect, ammunition stocks.

Why the ...Read more

A Harris Presidency Will Give Sanctuary to Gang Members, Victimize Law-Abiding People

From the Right / Betsy McCaughey /

From New York to Chicago and the Denver suburbs, migrant gangs are mugging, raping, robbing stores, running brothels next door to elementary schools, and threatening apartment dwellers with guns to take over residential buildings, all without fear of being deported. The gangs are turning neighborhoods into hellholes.

Blame insane "sanctuary" ...Read more

Reich's "Progressive" Ideas Would Leave All of Us Poorer and Less Free!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich now makes videos, like I do. In fact, his channel, Inequality Media, is very much like Stossel TV. He also reaches people via social media platforms, gets millions of views and covers economic topics. Reich does almost exactly what I do, except Reich is repeatedly wrong. It's understandable. Despite being ...Read more

Kamala Harris and the Catholic Vote

When Brian Buescher, whom then-President Donald Trump had nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska, appeared at his confirmation hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Nov. 28, 2018, then-Sen. Kamala Harris did not ask him any questions.

A week later, however, she did submit written questions she wanted him to ...Read more


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