From the Left





Elephants in the Room: Trump's New Sycophants Were Right the First Time

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

Since the stomach-turning assassination attempt against Donald Trump, some have wondered whether it is required to shade the truth about him in light of that awful event.

It isn't.

The obvious truth about the former president remains what it was before. And the phrase that best describes telling the truth about him isn't "Trump Derangement ...Read more

Harris Must Reach Into Her Law and Order Past

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

What follows here assumes that Kamala Harris carries out her stated intention to "earn the nomination" and not pretend that the crown is only in the shop. This gives her an opportunity to craft her image as a centrist with a spine, the sort of Democrat who can win national elections.

The Democratic nominee has two automatic advantages. One is...Read more

The Oklahoma Supreme Court Just Rejected the Nation's First Religious Public Charter School

From the Left / ACLU /

In a win for the separation of church and state, the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled that Oklahoma's approval of the nation's first religious public charter school violates the state constitution and charter school statute, as well as the U.S. Constitution. The decision affirms what we already knew: A religious school can't be a public school, ...Read more


What We Must Do Now

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

Trump swiftly reacted to President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election, with typically nasty vitriol. Biden was “not fit to run,” “he wasn’t capable of being President,” “the Worst President, by far, in the History of our Nation,” who “just quit the race in COMPLETE DISGRACE!”

We all know that Trump projects ...Read more

The Campaign of a Thousand Leaks

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

How do you convince a stubborn old man that he needs to step aside? The answer is not simply to tell him -- because he is not listening to what he doesn't want to hear -- but to force him to read about it. Leaking.

The leaks are escalating. Biden supporters -- a dwindling group -- managed to sell the story, for a very few days, that the ...Read more

Violent Speech May Not Cause Violent Acts. So What?

From the Left / Ted Rall /

With the exception of those who explain themselves, like John Wilkes Booth and Leon Czolgosz, political assassins tend to take their motives to the grave. Though the real reasons for their acts tend to be personal to the point of quirky -- like John Hinckley hoping to impress Jodie Foster -- Americans often point the finger at inflammatory ...Read more

What the Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump Tells America About Gun Violence

After the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, this is what I know for sure. Gun violence can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time. It is truly America's great equalizer. It touches the rich and the poor. It happens at nightclubs, movie theaters, the mall, while grocery shopping or even if you are asleep in your bed like Breonna Taylor. ...Read more

Assassination and Absolution

From the Left / Marc Munroe Dion /

I'm 67 years old, and when I was a kid, we used to shoot politicians like they were ducks sitting on a pond. We didn't always kill them, but we always hit them squarely.

Not many American boys hunt anymore, and not that many of our citizens serve in the military, so the standard of civilian marksmanship under pressure has declined. A kid who ...Read more

Time to Turn the Page: Kamala Harris for President

From the Left / Bill Press /

President Biden said something hugely significant this week. Speaking at an NAACP event, Biden slammed Donald Trump for claiming that immigrants were “taking Black jobs.” “I know what a Black job is,” Biden told the crowd. “It’s the vice president of the United States.”

But he didn’t stop there. “Folks, because of you, I am ...Read more

The Far Left Won't Be Badly Missed

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

The hard-line pro-Palestinian group Within Our Lifetime has been protesting against, of all people, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders. Where did the New York congresswoman and Vermont senator go astray? Didn't they denounce Israel's actions in Gaza as "genocide"? Didn't they call for halting military aid to Israel?

They ...Read more

Speaking Truth to Power

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"I think if he is our nominee, I think we lose," soon to be Sen. Adam Schiff said during a fundraiser last Saturday, according to a person with access to a transcription of a recording of the event. "And we may very, very well lose the Senate and lose our chance to take back the House."

This was last Saturday, according to The New York Times,...Read more

America's Summer Burn: Pride and Rage

From the Left / Jamie Stiehm /

Washington is burning. This is America.

The mercury soars to 100 F, and people are sheltering in place. Death by heat wave or dehydration? No, that couldn't happen here.

And yet, consider the wild things that have happened here lately, turning the presidential race upside down since the end of June.

The shocking attempt on former President ...Read more

Singing the Chick-fil-A Child Labor Blues

From the Left / Jim Hightower /

"Summertime, and the living is easy, fish are jumping, and ..." Wait a minute, what the hell is this?

A summer camp for kids -- but with a disturbing corporate twist. Some outlets of Chick-fil-A, the fast-food chicken chain, are promoting a summer camp where children as young as 5 can learn "how to be a Chick-fil-A worker."

Isn't this fun? ...Read more

Days of Memory: A Journalist's Quest to Document Evil and Courage

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

The eruption and metastasis of antisemitism emanating from both far left and far right has prompted some to point to the poor and worsening state of Americans' knowledge about the 20th century's genocide against the Jews. The ignorance, particularly woeful among younger Americans, is widespread.

A Pew survey found that fewer than one-half of ...Read more

Biden's Economy Is Superior in Just About Every Way

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

In overseeing the American economy, President Joe Biden has shown himself to be an amazing manager. It's all there in the numbers, especially when placed next to those of his predecessor. And should Biden win a second term and show himself to be not as sharp as he was four years ago, small matter economy-wise. He has a high-caliber ...Read more

What Voters Really Want for Immigration and Public Safety Reform

From the Left / ACLU /

When it comes to immigration and public safety, Republican and Democratic platforms have become virtually indistinguishable. Both sides are espousing a narrative that calls for harsher policies, more enforcement and increased incarceration. Candidates have bought into the idea that to win votes, they must lean into "toughness."

So how did we ...Read more


How Are You Coping?

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

I want to ask you, candidly: How are you doing?

The last two weeks — beginning with the Biden-Trump debate when Biden looked and sounded even older than his years and Trump lied even more than usual, followed by the Democrats’ public agonizing over whether Biden should drop out, and then Saturday’s attempted assassination of Trump at a ...Read more

What Unites Democrats

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

It's painful for Democrats to see our party so divided at a time when Republicans are marching in lockstep to coronate Donald Trump. Their convention will be a model of single-minded control, scripted from beginning to end by Trump. They have managed to excommunicate, intimidate and enforce discipline on anyone and any group that might offer a...Read more

Biden's Senility Obscures Questions About Trump's Mental Acuity

From the Left / Ted Rall /

Why, frustrated Democrats are asking, is the news media ignoring signs that former President Donald Trump is (also) suffering cognitive impairment? Why are they focusing on President Joe Biden's debate performance and calling on him, but not Trump, following his conviction on 34 felony counts, to drop out of the campaign?

You have reasonable ...Read more

Can Voters Focus on the Issues, Please?

According to a recent Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, 28% of people polled are still weighing their options for president. I find this hard to believe. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are not only very familiar candidates (I mean, we've been exactly here before), but they are also completely different in political stance and ideology. Perhaps that 28% are ...Read more


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