From the Left





Trump's Antisemitism

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

At a donor event last week with Miriam Adelson, the widow of Las Vegas casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump promised to be the best friend Jews have ever had in the White House. The event was entitled "Fighting Antisemitism in America." This is what Trump said:

"My promise to Jewish Americans is this: With your vote, I will be ...Read more

It's Time to End Our Cynical Policy of International Disruption

From the Left / Ted Rall /

Mainstream American political leaders regularly argue that the United States adheres to, defends and promotes a "rules-based international order." What's that? It's rarely defined.

The best summary I've been able to find was articulated by John Ikenberry of Princeton University, introduced by the Financial Times in 2023 as "an influential ...Read more

Be Part of the Solution: Don't Engage With Rage

Someone recently told me, "The minute I took this job, I became part of the problem." I'd never thought of it that way before but instantly understood what they meant. They work within a government system, a completely different profession than me, but I couldn't help but come back to that phrase again and again. It also applied to me and ...Read more

Cats and Self-Interest

From the Left / Marc Munroe Dion /

In America's ongoing effort to separate the properly gendered from you freak jobs who are just making it up as you go along, we've finally struck on felines and fertility as the true measure of properly gendered patriotism.

You got cats? You got cats, there's some chance that you're not as male as the guy with a dog, particularly when ...Read more

Bill Press: Only America’s women can save us from Donald Trump

From the Left / Bill Press /

Who could ever forget that moment? On Aug. 6, 2015, Fox News Host Megyn Kelly kicked off the first Republican primary debate by asking candidate Donald Trump: “You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals.’ Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as ...Read more

Want Cheap Energy? Vote for Harris

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

Donald Trump's "drill, baby, drill" mantra portrays fossil fuels as the magic road to lower energy prices. He's exactly wrong. Solar, wind and other renewable sources are.

Renewables already provide electricity to consumers in Europe that's so cheap, it's at times free -- this according to The Wall Street Journal, a decidedly non-socialist ...Read more

Demeaning Women

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

"I am your protector. I want to be your protector ... you will no longer be abandoned, lonely or scared. You will no longer be in danger. You're not going to be in danger any longer."

That's Donald Trump talking, the man who was found liable for sexual assault by a jury of his peers and ordered to pay millions of dollars in damages -- now ...Read more

School Lunch, Christian Nationalism and Jesus

From the Left / Jim Hightower /

An iconic Texas band, the Austin Lounge Lizards, has a song that nails the absurd self-righteousness of Christian supremacists: "Jesus Loves Me (But He Can't Stand You)."

I think of this refrain when I behold today's right-wing proselytizers wailing that the blessed rich should not be taxed to assure that everyone has the most basic human ...Read more

A Place That Feels Like Family

From the Left / Jamie Stiehm /

WASHINGTON -- When you sit down at Ben's Chili Bowl, cofounder Virginia R. Ali is apt to greet you and tell you she is glad you're here.

If you're lucky, she'll tell stories of her life that intersect with every chapter of the city since 1958, the year she and her late husband opened the restaurant's doors in a segregated section in the old ...Read more

Told-You-So Time: Iranian Inanity Comes Home to Roost

From the Left / Jeff Robbins /

In June 2006, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., was asked in Boston what the Democrats' plan was for dealing with Iran, designated even then by our State Department as the world's foremost state sponsor of terrorism and well on its way to acquiring nuclear weapons. "I don't know," Durbin replied. "With any luck Israel will do something about it, ...Read more

Liz Cheney Walks the Walk for Democracy

From the Left / Froma Harrop /

Back in the days when I was a moderate Republican, I still found Liz Cheney too far right-leaning for my tastes. And that went for her dad, former Vice President Dick Cheney, as well.

Even today, I may not agree with her on this issue or that, but we're on the same page on the primal importance of preserving our democracy. And this year, the ...Read more

How Border Policing Harms Undocumented People Seeking Abortion Care

From the Left / ACLU /

For many of Texas' 3 million border residents, going through federal interior checkpoints -- where Border Patrol agents are permitted to screen vehicles for suspected noncitizens and can ask passengers about their citizenship and travel plans -- can be an intimidating but predictable part of daily life. But for undocumented or mixed-status ...Read more

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images North America/(Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images/TCA)

‘Hate’ Has Become Trump’s Signature Utterance

From the Left / Robert B. Reich /

The FBI is investigating the source of suspicious packages sent to election offices in more than 20 states. Some election offices have been evacuated; staff are frightened.

Suspicious packages, bomb threats, death threats, harassment, assassination attempts, and violence are consequences of the politics of hate, now emanating more ferociously ...Read more

The Mixed and Muddled Results of Banning Affirmative Action

From the Left / Susan Estrich /

In the arguments before the Supreme Court on affirmative action in college admissions, proponents of affirmative action claimed that the number of Blacks admitted to selective colleges and universities would plummet absent affirmative action. And opponents of affirmative action claimed that the number of Asian Americans would increase ...Read more

Refusing to Censor Speech Isn't the Same as Agreeing With It

From the Left / Ted Rall /

If someone said something I found annoying or offensive, my mother taught me, the appropriate response was to allow them to finish speaking and reply with a calm, considered counterargument. Now you're supposed to talk over them until they shut up.

Or, better yet, cut their mic and show them the door.

Censorship has become a bipartisan norm....Read more

MAGA's Nazi Infestation Just Got Worse

From the Left / Joe Conason /

How unsurprising is it that former President Donald Trump appeared recently at an event supposedly devoted to opposing antisemitism -- and proceeded to deliver a speech dripping with antisemitic innuendo and contempt for American Jews?

Like so much of what Trump says and does, his remarks at the "Combating Antisemitism" affair in Washington, ...Read more

Looking for Truth When Lies Become Too Easy to Embrace

From the Left / Clarence Page /

Sometimes amid the hoopla and hogwash of political events, I find myself jerked alert by an accidental truth that manages to break through.

Such appeared to be the case when Sen. JD Vance, the Republican nominee for vice president, urged Democrats to “tone down their rhetoric,” while not doing much to tone down his own.

In a live interview...Read more

How Books Help Us Cope While Learning About the World

Last week I met a man struggling to understand the world and his place in it. We'll call him Bo. Bo's having marital problems and is contemplating divorce. My husband has been spending time to help him sort through it. While talking with Bo, it was obvious that this man doesn't know who he is.

The worst part is that it's how he was raised.

By ...Read more

The Amish Are Better Than You

From the Left / Marc Munroe Dion /

The Amish are better than you. They're better than me, too.

This is because the Amish make furniture.

For the last couple years, every time I turn the television on, there's a commercial from a local retailer telling me they sell "Amish furniture."

"Experience the craftsmanship of the Amish," the announcer's deep voice says. Then the ad ...Read more

This Election is Already Rigged Against Kamala Harris!

From the Left / Bill Press /

Sure, it’s a cold day in Hell when I’d ever agree with Donald Trump on anything. But I must admit, he’s right about this. He’s right when he says the election is rigged. Except he’s got it backward.

Yes, the 2024 election is rigged. But it’s not rigged against Donald Trump. It’s actually rigged in his favor – because of ...Read more


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