/Home & Leisure
Ask The Vet: Praise Cat While Trimming Claws
Q: I recently adopted a cat named Max, and I need to learn about trimming his claws. What's the procedure, and how often should it be done?
A: Start by choosing whatever equipment is most comfortable for you. I use human toenail trimmers, but many people prefer cat claw trimmers from the pet supply store.
If you are right-handed, hold Max ...Read more

My Pet World: Crate training dogs and outdoor enclosures for community cats
Dear Cathy,
I have a 10-month-old chihuahua/mini pin that I have been crate training since we rescued him at four months. I gave up on keeping him in the crate overnight. He was crying after a few hours. When I put him in the crate to leave, he seems to cry the whole time I'm gone and moves the crate across the room. (I have a camera to check ...Read more

Research aims to improve quality of life for dogs with epilepsy
Just like people, dogs can suffer from epilepsy.
This seizure disorder is characterized by uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain resulting in abnormal movements, altered behavior, and/or loss of consciousness. Seizures can have many causes, such as trauma, infection, metabolic disturbances, brain tumors and more. When no specific ...Read more

A dog's congressional life: Babydog to Dakota, Deco to Splash and more
WASHINGTON — Sen.-elect Jim Justice already knew that his canine companion, Babydog, would not be allowed on the Senate floor, but much of the rest of the Capitol building is dog-friendly — and has been for years.
“Senator-Elect Bernie Moreno jokingly asked about dogs and mentioned Babydog in jest. I told them they do not have to worry ...Read more
Ask the Vet: Center for Pet Safety Tests and Certifies Pet Travel Equipment
Q: My seatbelt will help protect me if I'm involved in a car accident, and I want the same for my dog, Gucci, who often rides with me. What's the best way to keep him safe?
A: You are wise to restrain Gucci in the car. Not only could he be injured in a crash, but an accident could hurl him against you, preventing you from controlling your car. ...Read more

Dogs competed in a 'smile-off' contest at the National Dog Show preview. Everybody won
PHILADELPHIA — Two dog breeds renowned for their uncanny smiles — the Lancashire heeler and the Samoyed — were pitted head-to-head in a “smile-off” contest at the National Dog Show press preview Tuesday, shepherding in howls of laughter from the crowd and confused head tilts from the contestants.
These noble descendants of wolves, ...Read more

My Pet World: Ding! A dog runs out of the room every time owner gets a text
Dear Cathy,
I have a seven-year-old Pomeranian rescue. I adopted her when she was about two. Six months ago, she started running out of the room whenever I got a text. After two weeks, I changed the text notification sound, and she was OK for about a week, but then she started running out of the room again. My vet checked her out and said dogs ...Read more

Winter is coming: Tips to prepare for the cold and keep your dog safe
As the winter season is creeping up on us, chances are your dog can feel the change in weather too! As responsible pet owners, it is important to take extra good care of our canine companions during the winter months.
The American Kennel Club recommends the following tips for a safe winter season.
Be mindful of window drafts. Small dogs ...Read more
Ask the Vet: Overweight Cats Risk Serious Disease
Q: My cat Fred's fat underbelly swings when he walks. I think it's cute, but his veterinarian says he needs to lose weight. What's wrong with a cat being overweight?
A: Fred has lots of company: The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention reports that 60% of U.S. cats are overweight or obese.
That statistic isn't surprising, since most domestic...Read more

My Pet World: Kennel anxiety in dogs, feeding tips for birds, and litter box blues in cats
Dear Cathy,
Our four-year-old Havapoo has been kenneled for most nights since a pup. She was great until about a year ago when she suddenly resisted getting into the kennel. It got better for a while, then worse again. Once in, she claws at the kennel door and whines. We tried a different kennel, but it did not help.
She has developed a fear ...Read more

The American Kennel Club shares clues to know when your dog needs a visit to the dentist
Caring for your dog’s teeth is an important part of keeping them healthy. Brushing your dog’s teeth should be a regular activity to keep their mouth and teeth in good condition. However, sometimes the dental care required goes beyond your own capabilities.
To help you keep your dog and their smile healthy, the American Kennel Club ...Read more
Use Hand Signals to Train Deaf Dog
Q: We're enchanted by Eva, a sweet, young Dalmatian available for adoption through the nearby Dalmatian rescue. Our only concern is that she is deaf. If we adopt her, how will we train her?
A: Deafness is inherited in some breeds, including Dalmatians, especially those that are mostly white and have blue eyes. Fortunately, with kind, ...Read more

My Pet World: From barking frenzies to litter box blues — Tackling common behavior issues in dogs and cats
Dear Cathy,
My son has a Pomeranian who barks at people walking down the street. He barks if I bang into something in the house, even if I’m right next to him. He is a good watchdog because he knows when someone is outside, but it gets to be too much. The dog goes into a barking frenzy at times and doesn’t stop. What’s his problem?
— ...Read more
Ask the Vet: While Pregnant, Keep Cat, but Avoid Toxoplasmosis
Q: I am planning to become pregnant, and a friend says I should give away my cat, Myrtle, because she can transmit a disease that could harm my unborn child. Is this true?
A: Rest assured that you may keep Myrtle. It sounds like your friend is referring to toxoplasmosis, nicknamed "toxo," a disease caused by a one-celled protozoal parasite ...Read more

Bay Area man claims his French bulldog, moved from 1st class to coach, died due to airline's negligence
SAN JOSE, Calif. — Michael Contillo claims he did everything necessary to ensure his two beloved French bulldogs, Ash and Kora, had a safe flight back to San Francisco International Airport from New York City — including flying first class so the dogs would have more room.
But shortly before takeoff, the flight crew made him and his dogs ...Read more

My Pet World: Preparing feral cats for winter and how to stop a dog from digging
Dear Cathy,
My husband and I have been feeding a feral neighborhood cat for 14 years. She was nursing two newborn kittens when we found her, so she is probably at least 15 years old. We managed to trap her and have her spayed, but she has lived outdoors ever since. She allows us to get close, but not touch her.
During a brutally cold winter in...Read more
Answer Angel: Dog ramps and alternatives
Dear Answer Angel Ellen: My lovable 90-pound collie, Oliver, is getting old and his back legs are not what they used to be and he has great trouble getting into the back of my SUV for our frequent outings. I’m not as strong as I used to be so, it is nearly impossible to lift him into the car.
The problem is that the dog ramps...Read more

Beware of Halloween hazards for your dog
Halloween, with its tricks and treats, is a widely celebrated holiday. It also can be a dangerous time for your dog, with increased calls to the pet poison hotline.
Whatever your Halloween plans are, whether you will dress up your pup in costume or greet trick or treaters at home, the American Kennel Club offers the following tips for having...Read more

Monkeys as pets? Meet folks who own them and learn what that's like
MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. – Reports of a monkey loose in North Myrtle Beach last month drew attention on social media and speculation from residents. Police even went looking for the animal twice but were unable to locate a monkey.
Although the prospect of monkeys in the Myrtle Beach area may seem odd, there are private monkey owners in and around ...Read more
Ask the Vet: Dogs See Blue, Yellow and Gray
Q: We're concerned that our middle-aged Labrador-German shepherd mix may be nearsighted because he can easily spot his nearby toys but doesn't see those that are far away. Still, he can always find his blue ball. I thought dogs were colorblind but otherwise had good vision. Please explain.
A: While dogs' smell and hearing are far superior to ...Read more