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End of summer staycation: Tips for the perfect at home vacation with your pup

American Kennel Club, American Kennel Club on

Published in Cats & Dogs News

Traveling with your dog can be very costly and stressful, especially during peak travel season. With plenty of activities in your area, you don’t need to stray far from home to enjoy your vacation with your dog included.

The American Kennel suggests the following tips to help you enjoy a fun “staycation” for you and your dog.

Picnic in the park. Look at which parks in your area are dog friendly and plan a fun picnic for you and your pup! Pack lunch for yourself and bring dog food and water for your four-legged friend. Don’t forget to bring toys to play with in the park.

Go to the beach. Research the dog-friendly beaches in your area and plan for a day on the sand with your pup. Some dogs can be sensitive to the sun so be sure to bring a dog-friendly sun block if necessary. Remember to bring extra towels to dry them off after their swim and to cover the seats in your car for the ride home.


Have a barbecue. Invite your friends and their dogs over for a backyard barbecue. If it’s hot outside, set up a kiddie pool or sprinklers for the dogs. You can also plan canine activities such as trick shows or agility competitions. Always be sure to have drinking water easily accessible to the dogs and have a designated shaded area where they can cool off.

Take a hike. A hike is a great way to get out of the house and get some exercise with your dog. You can find a forest, stretch of country road or a park near your home, and if you live in the city, urban trails can be just as fun. Always talk to your dog’s veterinarian before hiking to make sure they are in good health. Remember to take water, a collapsible dog dish and snacks for along the way.

For more information on responsible dog ownership, visit the AKC website at

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