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Everyday Cheapskate: A Nappy Solution for a Common Problem

Mary Hunt on

I love to discover a second use for something most of us have around the house or can easily find. Today's first tip may give you a big surprise but for sure a big laugh. By the way, this really works!

Plant Potty Liner: Line the bottom of baskets and pots with a disposable diaper (yes, clean and unused!) before you put in the potting soil and plants. This keeps the soil from rushing out of the drainage hole and helps retain soil moisture while still allowing the plant to drain. -- Stacy

Better Rug Gripper: Recently I purchased a product, Rug Gripper, for my 5-foot-by-3-foot kitchen rug, which was unsatisfactory because it didn't work to keep the rug in place. I got the bright idea to use a roll of rubberized shelf liner, which I happened to have already. It worked great to keep the rug in place. I am very happy with the results. -- Florence

Security Complaint: My mom came to visit me recently. She lives in Texas and I live in Kansas City. When I took her to the airport to go home, I had this brilliant idea! I gave her an empty water bottle and told her to fill it up after she got through security so she wouldn't have to spend $5 to buy water on the other side. My mom said, "No thanks, I have two empty bottles already in my purse." HA! Why didn't she tell ME that a long time ago? -- Amanda

The Last Dab: To get the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube, I use a pair of pliers to squeeze the end near the cap. I can get at least a week more out of the tube. -- Beverly

Handy Twine: To have garden twine handy when you need it, stick a ball of twine in a small clay pot, pull the end of the twine through the drainage hole, and set the pot upside down in the garden. Tuck a small pair of scissors in there as well, and you'll be set and ready to go next time you need to tie up a vine or stake. -- Greg


DIY Deodorant: Due to the heavy toxins in commercial deodorant, I've wanted to stop using it for years but didn't know the alternatives. Recently, I stumbled on a recipe for homemade deodorant: 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup cornstarch and 5 tablespoons organic coconut oil. Combine baking soda and cornstarch in a small bowl and mix with a fork. Add the coconut oil and continue stirring as you work it into a paste. Heat in microwave for about 20 seconds, then stir again to fully incorporate all the ingredients. Store in a small, airtight container. -- Sheri

Handy Measure: Turn a long-handled garden or another tool into a measuring stick. Just lay it on the ground, placing a measuring tape next to it. Using a permanent marker, write inch and foot marks on the handle. When you need to space plants a certain distance apart (from just an inch to several feet), you'll have a handy measuring device right there in your hand. -- Jasmine


Mary invites you to visit her at, where this column is archived complete with links and resources for all recommended products and services. Mary invites questions and comments at, "Ask Mary." This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of, a frugal living blog, and the author of the book "Debt-Proof Living."

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