


The God Squad: Winks, winks, and more winks

Rabbi Marc Gellman, Tribune Content Agency on

The unprecedented response from you, dear readers, in sending along your experiences with communications from dead people – a phenomenon we call God w inks – makes me humbly grateful. There is just so much real evidence that death is not the end of us. Much of this is beyond our natural reason, but none of this is beyond our need for hope in the face of death. Thank you and God bless all our God winks. Keep them coming.

Q: As you know, Bergen-Belsen was a Nazi concentration camp where thousands of Jews and other people were murdered. Anne Frank and her family were among the many who died there. The day we visited Bergen Belsen was very hot. As I was walking, I noticed a white, spotted butterfly following and circling us. Eventually it came to rest on the cap of my bottle of water which I carried. It accompanied me for a good part of our walk. Perhaps it was thirsty. Perhaps it was sending a message. As I walked Bergen Belsen, the butterfly moved with me. Could this be a reminder of the past, a “lost soul” trying to say, “I am here, please do not forget me.” It was such an emotional moment for me. – (From E)

A: I think you are right. The butterfly was a sign that life will survive even the darkest evil.

Q: The year after our son was killed in an accident, it was our anniversary and seven months later. I was on our bedside phone when something caught my eye sticking out of a book in our little bookcase. When I pulled it out, it was a check made out to me two months before he passed. The shelf faced the bed and I dusted it regularly but never saw the check sticking out of the book. It made me smile. I also had a "Visit" from him, about a year or two after. It wasn't really a dream, I saw him in his bathrobe, hovering near the top of the doorway of his brother’s room, I smelled him, he hugged me and said he was OK! Been hoping for another for 30 years! – (From C)

A: The appearance of a dead person with a message for you, while you are awake is the highest level God wink. Many people report that the apparition was hovering as you describe and also appeared to be translucent. Our disembodied souls seem to retain the shape of our bodies for a time.


Q: My mother-in-law was known to all as Peg. The morning of her funeral, as we were driving to the funeral home, we stopped at a red light behind a car with the license plate, “Peggy F.” My husband and I were stunned. I took it as a sign. Then, a few years later, we were traveling in Florida. Once again approaching traffic at a red light there it was again Peg F. So we believe we were fortunate to have had two winks . All has been very quiet since those two winks. I didn't look for winks, but they have and do happen. – (From J)

A: I had no idea that the DMV had an office in heaven. Seriously, your attitude about winks is perfect. Be alert to them when they appear even in the strangest places, but do not expect them. They remain unexpected little pieces of God’s grace strewn upon the path of our life.

(Send ALL QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS to The God Squad via email at Rabbi Gellman is the author of several books, including “Religion for Dummies,” co-written with Fr. Tom Hartman. Also, the new God Squad podcast is now available.)

©2024 The God Squad. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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