


The God Squad: My Rosh Hashana sermon

Religion / God Squad /

The only question now is, “What does Oct. 7 mean?”

The prophet Zachariah taught in chapter 4, verse 6, lo b’ chail v'lo b’koah ki im beruchi,“Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” This was the philosophy of Jewish survival for 2,000 years when we had to make due with piety ...Read more

The God Squad: An angry God wink

Religion / God Squad /

We assume that all God winks are positive loving supportive messages from our dearly departed. That is not true. If our loved ones were not happy with our behavior while they were alive, why would we assume that they are all of a sudden warm and fuzzy and supportive after they die? F makes the point…

Q: Rev 21:4 says, “…there shall be...Read more

The God Squad: Winks, winks, and more winks

Religion / God Squad /

The unprecedented response from you, dear readers, in sending along your experiences with communications from dead people – a phenomenon we call God w inks – makes me humbly grateful. There is just so much real evidence that death is not the end of us. Much of this is beyond our natural reason, but none of this is beyond our need ...Read more

The God Squad: Flowering God winks

Religion / God Squad /

Flowers often appear in God winks. Here is one of my favorites:

Q: I just read your faith, miracles and Godwink column in today’s Palm Beach Post on Aug. 16, 2024. … And believe I had the most beautiful God wink of all time. After being with the man of my dreams, my perfect partner of 13 years, we went fishing one weekend...Read more

The God Squad: I once was lost…

Religion / God Squad /

Q: If someone does not obey God’s commandments, like Adam and Eve didn’t, God cast them out. If I, or anyone, does things that God doesn’t like, will he cast me out, too?

I have had struggles in my life for a while now, financial and health, and I pray to God for help, but I think God won’t or doesn’t want to help me ...Read more

The God Squad: Heaven calling

Religion / God Squad /

Q: I enjoy reading your column every week. I have been reading it since long before Tommy left. You were both so down to earth and understanding of different faith traditions. Thank you. I think I have a God Winks candidate.

Many years ago I was dreaming that the phone rang and my beloved uncle (and godfather) was on the line and ...Read more

The God Squad: More God winks: ‘It wasn’t really a dream’

Religion / God Squad /

The highest level of God winks is the appearance of the beloved dead person in some kind of visible form. It is an apparition and most of the reports I receive say that the apparition is translucent, not thick like a real person but definitely visible. These visitations from the other side when accompanied by verbal communications are the ...Read more

The God Squad: Is a God wink a miracle?

Religion / God Squad /

Q: The Catholic Church has many miracles that no other religion has, miracles like healings, apparitions, stigmata, incorruptibles, bi-locations, floating, reading minds, along with many Eucharistic miracles. What other faith had received so many blessings by God as an indication of what to believe? Is there anything else he must do to win you ...Read more

The God Squad: Even more God Winks…

Religion / God Squad /

I am the perfect person to evaluate God Winks because I am enough of a believer in contact with the dead to acknowledge that some God Winks are real. I am also skeptical enough to know that everything we think is a wink is just not a wink. Here is my wink scale:

Level 1 God Wink: No violation of natural law or verbal communication. These are ...Read more

The God Squad: Another God wink

Religion / God Squad /

Thanks, dear readers, for sending me signs that you have received from loved ones who have died. I try not to include signs that are either clearly contrived or not really signs at all but just ordinary coincidences. The point of including these “God Winks” is to support those of you who believe, as I do, and as our faiths do, that death is ...Read more

The God Squad: Books and covers

Religion / God Squad /

Q: Dear Rabbi Gellman, thank you for your amazing and sorely needed ministry.

I would like you to share your thoughts on the habit of our current culture to “read a book by its cover”. Of course, the age-old saying is "Never judge a book by its cover”, but everywhere I turn these days, I feel people are paying too much attention to the ...Read more

The God Squad: Three souls in Heaven?

Religion / God Squad /

Q: I have been reading your God Squad column for many years. Before that, I remember listening to you and Father Tom Hartman on the radio for many years. I have enjoyed both venues.

Your columns are frequently very moving and thought provoking. Your birthday message to Father Tom was both! I cannot begin to come up with a non-spooky explanation...Read more

The God Squad: A song from Heaven?

Religion / God Squad /

Q: Twenty-seven years ago my secretary introduced me to a woman at a line dancing bar and I immediately fell in love. I realized immediately that if I wanted to win this woman’s hand, I would have to learn to line dance. I didn’t even know country music.

For weeks I practiced line dancing with this woman in my condo using only one dance and...Read more

The God Squad: ‘We hold these truths to be sacred’

Religion / God Squad /

I believe this Independence Day that the way to bring America together now is to remember what brought America together then.

What is not widely known is that the preamble to the Declaration of Independence we think Jefferson wrote is not in fact the preamble he actually wrote. This is what we think he wrote:

“We hold ...Read more

The God Squad: Juneteenth for us all

Religion / God Squad /

Last week I used the holiday of Eid a-Adha to atone for shortcomings in my column caused by the fact that I am not Muslim. This week I want to continue my atonement tour to remind you dear readers that I am also not Black.

Last week on Wednesday, June 19, African-Americans celebrated Juneteenth. All of America should have been ...Read more

The God Squad: Eid Mubarak

Religion / God Squad /

Since the 7th century, millions of Muslims have made a pilgrimage to Mecca to celebrate a sacrifice made by a Jewish guy 2,500 years ago.

This celebration and this pilgrimage, which happened this week, and brought almost 2 million pilgrims to Mecca, is the greatest interfaith story in the history of the world. It is called Eid al-Adha and it ...Read more

The God Squad: Visiting graves is no longer a universal habit

Religion / God Squad /

Q: Our two daughters are in their 50’s. We tried to encourage them to visit their grandparents’ graves, but they have never gone. They are very spiritual and are convinced that you can speak to them without going to a cemetery.

As we get older, we worry that they will not come to visit our graves either. Do you believe we should encourage ...Read more


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