


Doesn’t their lack of Scriptural knowledge indicate some aren’t as skeptical as they claim?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m a political speechwriter but my love is in the world of literature. I’m amazed that historians, scientists, educators, politicians, entrepreneurs and many others often quote Scripture in their writings and public speaking, though few claim to be followers of Christ. Doesn’t this indicate they aren’t as skeptical as they claim? – W.H.

A: It’s interesting to go back through the centuries and consider what others have said about Jesus. Skeptics claim the Scriptures are not believable, yet testimonies about Jesus’ life come from historians, philosophers, scientists, churchmen, and even atheists. The world’s greatest writers have been inspired by Jesus; artists, musicians, and sculptors have also been illumined by Him. Leaders from the world of business have written books about leadership skills they have learned from Scripture. World leaders have quoted from the Bible in the most memorable speeches recorded.

Each of us has our reference point. For Christians the reference point by which to measure life and thought is the Bible. God’s book is filled with promises, and it does not change or get out of date.

The Bible teaches that we are to perform our daily tasks well. Christians are taught not only to labor but to labor to the best of their ability. The Bible says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might” (Ecclesiastes (9:10, NKJV).


The Christian ideal certainly does not demand that a person renounce all interest in the affairs of this life, but rather that we seek God’s guidance in performing our work and guiding our ambitions. We find that Christ offers help in our daily living here on Earth. He inspires us in our talents, helps us in our work, and blesses us as we enjoy all that He has given.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2024 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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