


Why do people lie after swearing to tell the truth?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: With all the court proceedings now available to the public by way of television and the internet, it’s interesting to watch people swear the oath to tell the truth, but disregard the oath by lying and getting away with it. Many say that no one can really know the full truth. Is this so? – N.T.

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What does it mean to live under the authority of God’s Word as His ambassador?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: What does it mean to live under the authority of God’s Word as His ambassador? – G.A.

A: An ambassador is a servant of his or her government in a foreign land. An ambassador isn’t free to set policies or develop his own message. In the same way, Christians are ambassadors of God, called to ...Read more

Why did God allow this happen?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: There was a terrible fire in our neighborhood. An elderly couple died with no one to rescue them. I’m having a hard time dealing with this because they were like grandparents to the neighborhood children, including my own. This precious couple held a little vacation Bible school in their yard each...Read more

Does the world need mercy or correction?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: The Bible indicates that we should show mercy to others, but I’m not sure that is what most people need. It seems to me that the world needs correction – one big therapy session. – W.N.

A: The first and second commandments are the only therapy the world has ever needed. “Thou shalt love the...Read more

We grieve for the kind of world we’re leaving the younger generations

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My husband and I are now old – late 80s. We’ve seen a lot in our lifetime and are thankful that we’ll soon be in Heaven. But we grieve for the kind of world we’re leaving the younger generations. Morality is all but gone, livelihoods are in shambles, homes torn apart, and churches confused ...Read more

Is the term 'human race' in the Scripture?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m studying the anthropology of race at the university but have been slapped with a citation – accused of racism – because I made the comment in class that there is only one race in all of the world – the human race. To calm down the emotion this has stirred, the teacher said that she would...Read more

What does the Bible mean when it says we should bear our own cross?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m a new Christian trying to understand all the information about my new faith. I was told Christians have abundant life in Christ, but I’m getting ridiculed by my friends and laughed at for my beliefs. So what does the Bible mean when it says we should bear our own cross? I thought Christians ...Read more

Isn’t this the business of Christ’s church?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My passion in life is to pastor a church; not to build a large campus, but rather help people build a strong spiritual foundation. The seminary professors suggested that if I only want to do that, I should become a life coach instead of a pastor. This is discouraging since the Bible doesn’t really...Read more

Is it true that the Bible says more about Hell than Heaven?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’ve always been opposed to the idea of Hell and never allowed my children to talk about the devil unless it was in a humorous way. Now that I’m older and watching our world become Hell on Earth, I had to reconsider my position. I joined a Bible study for the sole purpose of learning why so many...Read more

Why did the Apostle Paul talk about glorying in the cross of Jesus?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why did the Apostle Paul talk about glorying in the cross of Jesus? – G.C.

A: Paul gloried in the cross because it demonstrates God’s judgment on sin through the willing sacrifice of Christ on behalf of sinful man. “We have turned, every one, to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6, NKJV). He gloried ...Read more

Can anyone prove the account of Jesus’ resurrection?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My college professor claims that the Bible cannot be authenticated, particularly regarding the account of Jesus’ resurrection. Can anyone prove other antiquated stories? – P.R.

A: There is more evidence that Jesus rose from the dead than there is that Julius Caesar ever lived or that Alexander ...Read more

Did Adam and Eve commit the original sin?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Did Adam and Eve commit the original sin? – O.S.

A: A man on television once said, “I’ve only one problem in life – temptation.” Temptation entices. We grab hold of what appeals to our senses without considering the penalty for our choices that are costly and sometimes deadly. Satan uses ...Read more

Do prayers of the saints live on after they have died?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Do prayers of the saints live on after they have died? – P.L.

A: An auction took place at a sheep ranch in South Africa. The farmer had lived a lonely life after the death of his wife. The son of his old age had rebelled and left home to find his fortune, ignoring his father’s promise that ...Read more

What does it mean when it's said that Jesus came to Earth on a rescue mission?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: As a paramedic, I relate to rescue missions and find satisfaction in spending my life helping others. It’s been said that Jesus came to Earth on a rescue mission, but I’m not sure I understand what it means. – S.R.

A: Who doesn’t want to be saved? “Search and rescue” is a term we hear ...Read more

How does human philosophy square with the Bible’s view on hope?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: As a student at Arizona State, I’m studying the science of hope, with a concentration on how pop culture influences the masses, particularly in uncertain times. How does human philosophy square with the Bible’s view on hope? – H.P.

A: Hope is a gift. Have you ever taken hold of such a prize ...Read more

Doesn’t their lack of Scriptural knowledge indicate some aren’t as skeptical as they claim?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’m a political speechwriter but my love is in the world of literature. I’m amazed that historians, scientists, educators, politicians, entrepreneurs and many others often quote Scripture in their writings and public speaking, though few claim to be followers of Christ. Doesn’t this indicate ...Read more

Why does the Bible call for people to be holy when God allows so much evil in the world?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why is the Bible called holy when it contains so much greed, lust, and violence? And why does the Bible call for people to be holy when God allows so much evil in the world? – H.B.

A: The Bible tells the truth about mankind, the devil, and sin that prevails. The Bible also tells the truth about ...Read more

Have American citizens misunderstood the real meaning of “the pursuit of happiness”?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I’ve never seen our country – and all countries – disgruntled, angry, chasing after happiness, and clamoring for peace while anger boils under the surface. Where have we gone wrong as a people? Have American citizens misunderstood the real meaning of “the pursuit of happiness”? – U.W.

A...Read more

Why are some nations worse than others?

Religion / Billy Graham /

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: Why are some nations worse than others? America is no perfect nation, especially these days, but we were once a country that was an example to the world. What causes such a change? Does the Bible give an example? – G.N.

A: God honored and blessed America as few nations in history, but in recent ...Read more


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