Life Advice





Family Fallout

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I am struggling with conflicting feelings over feeling disrespected by family members. I was not especially close to my sister, but we did see each other occasionally and text/talk on social media.

My stepdaughter was attacked and bitten by my sister's dog a couple of years ago. My stepdaughter's biological mother chose to sue my ...Read more

Rowdy Kids Unwelcome At Relative's Wedding

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I recently attended a funeral for a family member. During the 90-minute service, my great-nieces and nephews (ages 3 to 6) were running around the church. Their parents said nothing and allowed them to continue.

Following the service, we were all invited to a sit-down meal in the banquet room of an upscale restaurant. Again, the ...Read more

Single File: Life Engineering

Life Advice / Single File /

There's a fiction circling singleworld that making your life comfortable and secure while you're unmarried consigns you to a life sentence there, with no chance of parole or reprieve. Well, this lady engineer is over the moon to announce that the myth is pure fiction! The reality? The more interesting you make your singleness, the more relaxed ...Read more


Ask Anna: Should I tell my boyfriend about a past infidelity?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I’m a 34-year-old woman who’s been in a relationship with my boyfriend for almost four years. We’re serious — and lately are talking more and more about marriage. But something from my past has been weighing on me, and I’m struggling with whether or not I should tell him.

About five years ago, in a previous relationship, I...Read more


Inside a network of Facebook groups helping millennials fall in love

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

PHILADELPHIA -- Nicole Kerr competed with 134 other women to get the attention of her now-fiancé Fran Smythe, a Deptford, New Jersey, finance manager looking for a “fun down-to-earth girl” to settle down with.

That’s because Smythe’s sister-in-law posted his photos to Date Him: Philly, a private Facebook group with over 20,000 members ...Read more

Roman Samborskyi/

Leave sexy time for the bedroom... not your profile

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Nearly all of my clients—probably 99%—express a desire for physical intimacy (which, for simplicity, we'll define as sex, however you define that) in their future relationships. For some, it has always been a top priority, while for others, it’s something they felt was lacking in a previous relationship, making it a key focus for the ...Read more

Asking Eric: Mother called her lazy, but there’s something else to blame

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: Even though I started off school smart and curious, starting middle school, I did horribly. I couldn't manage my time wisely. I couldn't organize my thoughts, and it was paralyzing. They suggested I be tested for ADHD. I was able to mask any symptoms with a proctor standing over my shoulder, so I passed with flying colors. They ...Read more

Woman Seeks Exit From Disconnected Dinner Group

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: For the past few years, I have been getting together for dinner with a few other women with whom I used to work. When the first woman left for a new job, another woman started a text group so we can all stay in touch. That same woman would organize a dinner a few times per year. That was basically the only communication among the...Read more

Keeping Video Meetings Professional

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Due to a pretty bad injury years ago, I now work a job that is 100% remote. This means many, many video meetings. Most meetings start with the "Hi, how are you?" or "Good game on Sunday, did you see it?" questions and random chitchat.

But for the past couple of weeks, topics I consider unprofessional have been brought up. ...Read more

Parent Left Behind

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I'm sitting here contemplating my life. I'm 65, ill and live alone with my little dog. Fifteen years ago, my only daughter asked for space while completing her master's thesis. I gave her space, but since then, I've only seen her about five times. I've begged her to talk to me and asked for her forgiveness, but nothing has changed....Read more

Boyfriend's Ex-Wife Likes To Stir The Pot

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: I am dating an older man with two ex-wives. I have met both of them. I don't mind them. The last ex-wife and I get along. She usually calls me because he won't answer his phone for her. The first ex-wife I don't like at all (I used to talk to her) because she's lied to me about him.

This woman has her kids call and tell him to call ...Read more

Asking Eric: Sister only calls when she needs money, now niece is calling, too

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I'm not close to my sister. Over the years, there has been very little contact, except when she needs money. She and two of her adult daughters have called asking for money, one asking more than once. I want to keep peace in the family, so I've given it to them. They said they would pay it back. Not only have they not done so, but ...Read more

Teen Devastated By Cyberbullying

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: My 17-year-old daughter recently posted a picture of herself on Instagram. She was so excited because the photos were from a concert where her favorite band performed. Someone she thought was her friend took a screenshot of that photo and used it in an incredibly hurtful way: She posted the picture on a private Snapchat story and...Read more

Friend-Of-A-Friend At The Stage Door

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband and I will be visiting London soon, and will see several theatrical productions. One play will feature a famous American actress whom we've never met, but who is a friend of a friend.

Our friend suggested we send a note backstage with a greeting. Is it proper to include our own contact information in the note? I ...Read more

Posting Without Permission

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I really don't like having my picture taken because I don't feel photogenic. I've asked my husband multiple times not to post any photos of me on his social media without my permission. However, every now and then, he disregards my feelings and posts them anyway. Each time, I remind him of how I feel and ask him to respect my ...Read more

Daughter Refuses To Forgive Mother For Affair

Life Advice / Dear Abby /

DEAR ABBY: My older sister had an affair with an old boyfriend that lasted several months. She was 58 and had been married for 38 years. Her husband, who is a wonderful person and father of their three grown children, forgave her. He's a devout Catholic, and divorce was out of the question. She has made every effort to ask for forgiveness from ...Read more

Asking Eric: Husband’s post-retirement fitness habits driving wife crazy

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: My husband loves going to the gym since he has retired. But he goes at 11 p.m. or 12 midnight. He said that going at that time there are just a couple of people there and he has access to all the machines, which is fine. The downside is that when he comes back home at 1:30-2 a.m. the garage door or the lights or the door just opening...Read more

Family Concerned Over Niece's Questionable Relationship

Life Advice / Sense & Sensitivity /

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm facing a situation with my 16-year-old niece, who is in a relationship with a 19-year-old boy from our neighborhood. I'm deeply concerned because this boy has a reputation for being a bad influence, and I fear that my niece might be negatively affected by this relationship. My niece is currently living with me after her ...Read more

Partygoers: Be Like 'guest A'

Life Advice / Miss Manners /

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I had a party at my house with a few friends and family members. Guest A complimented my decor and asked if she could help with prep. I assured her that my adult children were great helpers; they knew their way around the kitchen as they had grown up in this house.

She chatted with us for a while and then mingled with other ...Read more

When a Sister Cuts Ties

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I'm struggling with a painful situation involving my sister. About a year ago, she abruptly stopped speaking to me, and there was no discussion or clear explanation about why this happened. Since then, she has kept her distance not just from me but also from our entire family. She's excluded us from all major family gatherings, ...Read more


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