Life Advice





Asking Eric: Husband ‘just chatting’ on Facebook dating site

Life Advice / Asking Eric /

Dear Eric: I recently discovered my husband was messaging/talking to three women through the dating portion of Facebook. I saw messages on his phone from one woman and a phone call for 44 minutes.

I confronted him and he said he was trying to learn how to communicate and he was not cheating.

I decided that if he thought this was OK, then it ...Read more

Wedding Woes

Life Advice / Dear Annie /

Dear Annie: I grew up with my mom. My father and I have always had a strained relationship. He is a recovering alcoholic. He says she wouldn't let me see him, but I remember him forgetting my birthday, promising to visit but not showing and telling me he's too busy. He once left me sitting on a doorstep, fully dressed for a father-daughter ...Read more

Single File: Learning to Love

Life Advice / Single File /

"People find it difficult to take risks of love because they do not feel anyone has ever loved them without reservation or conditions. They do not feel worthy." Those are the words of Dr. David Viscott, author of a favorite book of mine, "Risking," an oldie in my library, a fount of wisdom to be read again and again, at different phases of my ...Read more


Ask Anna: My married co-worker kissed me. Do I need to tell HR?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I’m a 25-year-old guy, and a situation at work is making me really uncomfortable. An older, married co-worker recently kissed me and has been dropping hints that she wants to take things further and have an affair. I know I shouldn’t have let that kiss happen. It was dumb and I was caught off guard. I’ve been cheated on in the ...Read more


You don't have a crystal ball… neither does your partner

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

I field dating questions every week on Instagram on what I’ve dubbed “Ask Erika Monday,” and I recently received a common one that I’ve gotten variations of over and over again. The person asked, “6-7 dates. Everything is going great. I feel I need to know what he wants for our future. Too soon?”

I certainly understand where this is...Read more

Millennial Life: Asking Too Much From Our Imperfect Systems

I've been breaking my noggin over some proposed ordinances the last few weeks, asking nearly everyone who happens across my path what they think of these proposed laws that I'll have to vote on as city councilor. And I mean everyone from hospital staff to store owners, from nonprofit administrators to my therapist, who really gets to hear more ...Read more

Single File: Rebuttal

Life Advice / Single File /

For the record, this columnist needs a posting of her own. Needled by some recent reader comments -- not always in the most generous spirit -- she (moi) needs to air some thoughts in response. Bear with me, all ye of good faith, as I take time to vent my spleen.

For openers, this column is not dedicated to partnering every extant/breathing ...Read more


Life got in the way, and I ghosted someone. How late is too late for redemption?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

There’s not much worse than the feeling of being ghosted when online dating. (For the uninitiated, consider yourself lucky, but “ghosting” is when someone you’ve been chatting with or seeing completely disappears on you without warning — no “nice meeting you but I don’t see a connection” text or anything. Just stops responding ...Read more


Ask Anna: How to tell if you like someone or just admire them

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I need advice. I’m on the spectrum but unsure if my problem is related to my autism. Since I was a child, I've struggled to distinguish between strong admiration and romantic crushes. Often, I develop obsessive feelings for someone based on their exceptional skills in a field I'm interested in — like music or gaming. I don't ...Read more

Millennial Life: Go, Elder Gen X, Go

I don't envy her in the least. Even in my brief seven-month tenure as an elected official, one the worst concepts to process has been the expectations of others. But the weight of the free world that descended on Vice President Kamala Harris is a burden I wouldn't wish on anyone. Hers isn't just a campaign; it's a simmering electricity to "not ...Read more


Ask Anna: Can you be friends with someone you once had romantic feelings for?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

My boyfriend (26M) is still friends with a woman (25F) he had feelings for a few years ago. They never dated or had any physical relationship, and he insists those feelings are long gone. I asked him to unfollow her on social media because I believe in cutting ties with past romantic interests. This is a personal boundary for me, and...Read more

Single File: Apartnership

Life Advice / Single File /

DEAR SUSAN: I just re-read your column about "apartners," and I'm sending along my 2 cents. Since my marriage ended two years ago, I've been lucky enough to share some personally productive relationships. Currently, I'm dating someone with the strength of character to be himself with me, and we're having a wonderful time. But as much as I like ...Read more


My date suggested a restaurant I can't afford -- What do I do?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

There’s so much to stress about when it comes to a first date — what to wear, what conversation topics to avoid, if you’re about to get catfished — that another big obstacle is often overlooked: the financial aspect of dating. Even grabbing drinks a few times a week can really add up over time, and the last thing you want is to turn down...Read more

Millennial Life: When It Doesn't Age Well

There are a few things that show your age. Wrinkles. Misused slang. Ankle socks, it turns out. No matter how well you think you might be aging, there are things trapped in time that may hold a special place for you but aren't things that age well. No, we're not talking about the government yet; I'm talking about old movie trailers.

I tried ...Read more


More couples are hiring wedding content creators, so they and their guests can 'live in the moment'

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

PHILADELPHIA — In the car on the way home from her wedding, Bayley Shanley's phone pinged with a notification from one of her vendors.

As her new husband drove, Shanley flipped through more than 500 candid photos and videos.

She watched her bridesmaids walk down the aisle, a moment she had missed, and relived the speeches. She sent her ...Read more

Single File: Expectations

Life Advice / Single File /

DEAR SUSAN: Recently, I reconnected with a man I knew four years ago during college days. We spent a whole day in wine country, and it became clear that money is a major issue for him. He griped the whole day about spending money to taste wine and made a fuss about having dinner at the end of the day, sore at having to treat me. Keep in mind ...Read more


How much time should you spend on dating apps? You might be surprised

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

If you have screen time alerts on your phone, you already know that you probably spend more time than you are really willing to admit looking at that device. And if you’re anything like the rest of the population (or just me? Can’t be just me), much more of that time is spent browsing Instagram or playing sudoku than making phone calls or ...Read more


Ask Anna: How do I address my disability on dating apps?

Life Advice / Dating Advice /

Dear Anna,

I'm a 28-year-old straight man living with an invisible disability — I have epilepsy. I've recently started using dating apps again after taking a break, and I'm unsure how to address my disability in my profile and conversations. I want to be open, but I'm worried about being judged or overlooked because of my condition. How ...Read more

Millennial Life: Blocked but Not Beaten

Ah, writer's block -- the invisible brick wall that every writer inevitably faceplants into. As a millennial, I've waded through all the unprecedented events, but trying to parse them to share weekly is hard. The cursor is tapping its little pixelated foot, impatiently waiting for me to birth a sentence worthy of the digital page. I've never ...Read more

Ask Amy: Exiting with some well-worn wisdom

Life Advice / Ask Amy /

Dear Readers: Since announcing my departure from writing this syndicated column, I have heard from scores of people across various platforms, thanking me for more than two decades of offering advice and wishing me well in my “retirement.” I am very touched and grateful for this outpouring of support.

The thing is – I don’t think of ...Read more


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