Mayo Clinic Q and A: Understanding colorectal cancer
Published in Health & Fitness
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I recently read that more and more young people are getting diagnosed with colorectal cancer. I'm in my 30s, am I at risk? What does colorectal mean?
ANSWER: The term colorectal cancer combines colon and rectal cancer, two parts of the intestine. The first part of the large intestine is called the colon, and the last part refers to the rectum. These two divisions of colorectal cancer are important because they're often treated differently. Cancers of the colon, for example, may initially be treated through surgery. With cancers of the rectum, we may do treatment long before someone goes to surgery.
Symptoms of both cancers are similar and can include unintentional weight loss, overall changes in bowel characteristics such as more frequent diarrhea, blood from the rectum or in the stool and ongoing abdominal pain, cramps or gas. These symptoms can be embarrassing for some people to talk about, and that is normal. However, it is extremely important if you have any of those symptoms to share it with your healthcare team. Early diagnosis of colorectal cancer increases your chance of survival.
People of all ages are at risk for colorectal cancer. It is true that there have been increased rates of colon and rectal cancer in younger patients, which has led to a shift in screening recommendations. We used to start screening average-risk individuals at age 50, but because of this new trend, we're now encouraging average-risk individuals to start screening at age 45. Through screening, we can prevent the development of cancer and capture polyps (precancerous growths) even before symptoms start.
It is unknown what has caused this increase among young people. Findings show that it may be an environmental factor. Over the last 50 years, we've seen major changes in diet. Ultraprocessed foods and higher quantities of red meats have potentially led to some negative changes to the bacteria that are normally in our gut, making it not as protective as it once was. A decrease in exercise and an increase in obesity also could be contributing factors. Living a healthylifestyle is critical — exercise and a well-rounded diet can help protect you.
We typically divide people into two groups — those who are at average risk and those who are at high risk for colorectal cancer. Average-risk individuals are people who don't have any associated symptoms that would be linked to colorectal cancer or have any of the factors that would place them at high risk.
For those who are at high risk, there tends to be at least one of three variables:
A medical condition that places them at higher risk.
A genetic condition that increases their risk.
A family history that places them at higher risk. For example, a first-degree family member such as parents or siblings who have a diagnosis of colorectal cancer or advanced polyps.
Any of those three components would place you at higher risk, and therefore, you should start screening sooner and possibly more often than average-risk individuals.
When it comes to cancer care, we try to make our efforts personalized, particularly with rectal cancer. The treatment team consists of a gastroenterologist, an oncologist, a surgeon and a radiation oncologist who help direct what the next best step would be for you, whether that's chemotherapy, immunotherapies, surgery or radiation.
Any delay in sharing information translates to a delay in diagnosis, which can lead to later-stage cancer. It is the later-stage cancers that can be a bit more challenging to treat. Don't delay in making an appointment.— Derek Ebner, M.D., Gastroenterology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
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