Mayo Clinic Q&A: Maximize memory with a nutrient-rich diet
Published in Health & Fitness
DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I enjoy cooking but prefer working with the freshest ingredients. As such, I grow my own fruits and vegetables in a small garden and purchase other fresh produce from a local farmers market. I've read that certain foods may help with memory function. Are there foods I can eat to help boost my cognitive health?
ANSWER: Research suggests that the ability to maximize memory function may be related to what you eat. Following an eating plan that provides a healthier selection of dietary fats and a variety of plant foods rich in phytonutrients could positively affect your health. Phytonutrients are substances found in certain plants that are believed to be beneficial for human health and help prevent certain diseases.
There’s still much to learn about what makes up a brain-healthy diet. Studies are finding that what is good for your heart also may be good for your brain. So the best bet for rich memories is to forgo unhealthy fat and remember to diversify your plant-based food portfolio.
Foods that boost memory
Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, fish, healthier fats, and herbs or seeds boost the brain's memory functioning. Here's more about these powerhouse foods:
Whole grains and legumes
Healthier fats
Herbs or seeds
Making lifestyle modifications to control your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels, as well as not smoking, taking daily walks and keeping your weight in a healthy range can help preserve memory function. — Lizzie Bertrand, Dietitian, Mayo Clinic Health System, St. James, Minnesota
(Mayo Clinic Q & A is an educational resource and doesn’t replace regular medical care. This Mayo Clinic Q&A represents inquiries this healthcare expert has received from patients. For more information, visit
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