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Who did Hermione take to the Yule Ball?

A) Ron Weasley
B) Harry Potter
C) Cedric Diggory
D) Viktor Krum

Who becomes the master of the Elder Wand after Voldemort's death?

A) Ron Weasley
B) Harry Potter
C) Draco Malfoy
D) Neville Longbottom

What is the name of Hagrid's pet dragon?

A) Saphira
B) Smoky
C) Norbert
D) Drako

Which of these characters did not die in the Battle of Hogwarts?

A) Fred Weasley
B) Remus Lupin
C) Percy Weasley
D) Nymphadora Tonks

Who is the master of death according to the "Deathly Hallows" legend?

A) The person who possesses the Invisibility Cloak, Resurrection Stone, and Elder Wand
B) Lord Voldemort
C) Albus Dumbledore
D) Nicolas Flamel

What form does Hermione's Patronus take?

A) A beaver
B) An otter
C) A doe
D) A fox

What is the name of the magical street hidden in London?

A) Spinner's End
B) Diagon Alley
C) Knockturn Alley
D) Godric's Hollow

Which Horcrux was first destroyed?

A) Tom Riddle's diary
B) Salazar Slytherin's locket
C) Helga Hufflepuff's cup
D) Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem

Which Quidditch position does Harry play?

A) Beater
B) Chaser
C) Keeper
D) Seeker

What did Snape call Lily that ended their friendship?

A) Fool
B) Mudblood
C) Traitor
D) Muggle-lover

Which spell is used to repel dementors?

A) Expecto Patronum
B) Expelliarmus
C) Lumos
D) Accio

Who taught Harry the spell "Expecto Patronum"?

A) Sirius Black
B) Albus Dumbledore
C) Remus Lupin
D) Severus Snape

Who saves Harry from the lake during the second Triwizard Tournament task?

A) Cedric Diggory
B) Viktor Krum
C) Fleur Delacour
D) Ron Weasley

What is the main ingredient in the Draught of Living Death potion?

A) Unicorn hair
B) Phoenix feather
C) Sopophorous bean
D) Mandrake root

What is the main ingredient in Polyjuice Potion that determines the appearance of the person one will transform into?

A) Lacewing flies
B) Leeches
C) A bit of the person (e.g., hair, nail)
D) Horn of Bicorn

Which Hogwarts founder wanted to teach only pure-blood wizards?

A) Helga Hufflepuff
B) Rowena Ravenclaw
C) Godric Gryffindor
D) Salazar Slytherin

What is the symbol for the Deathly Hallows?

A) A skull with a snake
B) A triangle with a circle and line
C) A lightning bolt
D) A phoenix in flight

Which of the following is NOT one of Voldemort's Horcruxes?

A) Nagini
B) The Sword of Gryffindor
C) Helga Hufflepuff's Cup
D) Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem



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